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Bicycles in Poland

French boy in Poland shocked because bicycles are parked without chains and no one steals them. This is called civilization, what we have lost in Western Europe. We all know why.
This is life without diversity.


Months ago there was a viral video of a jogger who went to a ski resort and marveled at the fact that outside the lodge people left their thousand dollar skis in unattended racks. Why, he couldn't believe that no one was simply carting off anything that wasn't bolted down!

This is what's possible in a high trust society. And in the annals of history, it's really only white, northern Europeans who have been able to develop and sustain that sort of society. In my hometown, a smaller sized rust belt city (heavily Polish, curiousMInd101), people of my parents' and grandparents' generations would all attest to the fact that doors were never locked at night and that most people would leave their keys in their cars when not in use. That's not to say that theft was an unknown occurrence, but that in general there was an expectation that everyone respected the belongings of each other.

Then the "blessings of diversity" were visited upon everyone and guess what things look like now?


💯 Blacks tend to not go to ski resorts so you end up with a high trust community. But we are evil racists for pointing this out.

Even when I lived in a suburb of Chicago I would always leave my door open and my car unlocked and never had a problem. Why? Because it was a high-middle class neighborhood that was 99% White. But as soon as I moved to the city, where we are blessed by diversity, my car (locked) was stolen within a few months.

As a Polish person, I'm happy to hear that your family had good experiences with my people. 🇵🇱
If only we were allowed to get together and create our own society without having diversity forced on us.


Skiing is wealthy people's pass time and wealthy people do not need to steal skis to pay for their drugs.


And what about bicycles in Poland.


That is at a school in a smaller town according to the comments. You see that in almost every European country.


Sure, but I doubt you'll see it in the U.K. or France. Maybe in the countryside where there is no diversity.


I like diversity. Like you I'm from Europe from a country full of white people. We had gypsies who did most of the crime. But white people did some also. I like meeting people from all over the world just around where I live. I wouldn't trade it back. Sounds like you want to move back to Poland.

Signed, million man.


Yeah, I'm seriously thinking about it. I've been going back there and it really looks appealing compared to here. Great food, clean streets, amazing people, no diversity, etc.

When I was younger (in my 20's), I used to feel the same way you do. I loved the diversity – meeting different people from various backgrounds and cultures was exciting. It was nice. But as I've gotten older, I've started losing interest. Instead, I've felt this strong pull towards my own culture and people. Now, I've reached a point where I really loathe diversity. It's just lost its appeal for me. At some point the more I experienced other cultures, the more they became a turn-off. I’ve started craving a return to my roots, to my people, to White culture and homogeneity.

When Whites become a minority in this country, I’m almost certainly going to move back to Poland. I've got a place there and family, so I'll adjust just fine. The only thing I'll truly miss about diversity is the food.
When it comes to food I'm pro diversity. :)


Nothing wrong with that, I guess.

Signed, million man.


I surely think so, but some members here, of the leftist persuasion, frown upon anyone liking their race and culture too much. Of course this only applies to White people. To be fair though, I do tend to present my ideas in the most extreme and provocative way so I bring it on myself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hey, this is apropos of nothing but I always been meaning to ask, what does your tag line mean? " Signed, million man."?
Is it a reference to movie or something?


Nah. Me and tcrum were racing to get the millionth post on General Discussion and I won. Just kind of a rubbing it in.

Signed, million man.


It looks like you're at 10765. Damn, I never got a chance to congratulate you on 10,000.



Signed, million man.


The story that I heard that I remember is someone we know who went to Taiwan and saw a skateboard left outside of a 7-11 or something like that and three days later, it was still there.

Over here, I see doorbell videos of people stealing with the delivery person is still there.


Heh, I'll be in Taiwan this Friday. I'll see if I can find it.

And that gets to the same point. Taiwan is a racially homogenous country of high IQ citizens. I'll be in a city of 3 million people (Kaohsiung) and there isn't a single street or neighborhood that I wouldn't be comfortable visiting at 3 in the morning. The concept of a "no-go zone" is absurd in such a place.

There's one particular demographic that is in seriously short supply, but I'll tell you what, no one in Taiwan sits around thinking, "Gosh, we have a fairly clean, efficient, modern, and safe country, but we're missing something. You know what we really need? More Africans!"


Oh yeah I've seen those videos on Twitter. The funniest one I saw just a few days ago was a delivery guy dropping off a package and two different people were already waiting to steal it. One was I think a Mexican the other of course was black. They both ran towards the package trying to be the first one to steal it.
LULZ — Diversity is Our Strength!
