Agencies and corporations hijacked the system that created and interpreted the laws.
For the past four decades, agencies and corporations have been able to "interpret" laws to mean whatever they want, and the courts had to go along with it. No law gave them that authority; they just made them up and fabricated their own rules.
This basically placed bureaucrats in charge of our country. This was unconstitutional and caused harm to everyone.
No government organization was ever authorized to create laws, they were to provide expertise and recommend policies but only Congress representing "we the people", has the authority to make the laws.
It means that agencies and corporations will no longer be independent of law interpretation and will have to answer to Congress.
It means that federal courts may not defer to an agency’s interpretation of an ambiguous statute.
It means agencies cannot make or modify a Congress law, without Congress approval.
It means that administrative agencies may no longer interpret the law in order to create their own rules, but will require everything to go through the courts as it should be.
It puts decision making back to the courts, to interpret the law, rather than the agencies.
It doesn’t get rid of all regulations, but it does put it back into the hands of the judicial branch where it belongs.
It means that we the people can sue and challenge a ruling.
It means that we the people can contest their overreach and make a case to the courts.
Eventually, this decision will also rollback and/or downsize several agencies.
In summary, this is taking away the power of administrative agencies.
This is a big step towards “draining the swamp.”