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So, what happens now?

"If anyone in America thinks that was even CLOSE to being an okay debate by Joe Biden, I'm living in a parallel universe. It was an unmitigated disaster for Joe BIden from the second he walked out to his closing statement."

"Look, it was a very disappointing debate performance from Joe Biden, I don't think there's any other way to slice it."

"That was painful. I love Joe Biden. He didn't look well. He had a test to meet tonight to restore confidence and he failed to do that. I think there are a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider taking a different course now."

"I think Joe BIden lost it in the first three minutes. You cannot tell me democracy is on the line and then give that performance tonight. Based on that, in 18 weeks Donald Trump will be the President-elect."

"They came into this debate nervous that Biden was in a weak position. They leave this debate panicked."

Those are all post-debate comments made by the table pundits.......ON CNN!!!!
So, the question becomes, what happens now?


They will probably indict trump again. Or encourage another whack job to say he raped her 35 years ago in an ice cream truck in the middle of Central Park.


prob this, this is all they can do. and the news is reporting that covid is spiking again. so that will scare people to vote by mail.


Scandal or indictment incoming, will be here by Monday.


yeah, something will have to happen. because logically there is no way that Biden can win, unless the votes are rigged or they nominate someone else.


If they don't announce a Biden replacement at the DNC convention, I will be surprised.


Yeah the whack job rape/n word allegations are a guarantee. With the same zero evidence every other Democrat rectum accusation has provided over the last decade.


Jail Trump....its all they have left. Or Epstein him.

And that bullshit is now utterly exposed.


I was shocked that CNN was actually critical of Biden. Where was that 4yrs ago?

Some people will be in a total panic. Others will perpetuate the delusion.


Just remember the Democrat media last week was telling us this is the sharpest of Joe Biden has ever been.

Right now, the Democrat machine is trying to figure out what the next step is. Focus grouping. Polling. Their problem is their top three candidates, Newsom Clinton Obama are all extremely unlikable. They can’t campaign and they can’t debate so the Democrats will have to slide one in at the last second when there’s no time for debates or campaigning.

Make no mistake the Democrat party will do ANYTHING to keep power. This includes, imprisoning opponents. Assassination. Fake pandemics. And of course openly rigging elections. And they have the blessing of the establishment in DC with their media rectum providing cover.

This is the worst time for our country in its history. It’s going to take a Churchillian effort to restore this great nation.


the Democrats will have to slide one in at the last second

This. It's likely that they will use this tactic.
