Came for Politics, every topic is blaring the battle horns of White Nationalism
Crying over the fact it's not the 80s anymore.
I expect the crying from conservatives because crying has become synonymous with being an American conservative but where is the discussion of politics?
Is there ever any discussion of politics here?
Or is it just manbabies crying about the Great Replacement?
I know none of you have the capacity to answer to any of those questions, so just don't think about it too much, and go back to your Tucker Carlson video.
Of course there are politics, you just need to search for them or engage in them. I talk mostly politics and trash both unpopular candidates but still see the orange man a bigger threat. The only reason he'll be great is to make rich people richer again. It's a good turing test to see who's wrong when they're elected for a second term.
I am simply trying to make White people become race conscious. Not enough of them act in the interest of their own people while every other group does. This is leading to their destruction and extinction. Race consciousness is politics. That is why we are discussing it here.
Also, haven't we had enough of the Trump VS. Biden threads? Have I not made things a little more interesting here?
Have I not made things a little more interesting here?
Have you made things more interesting here? If that last post is anything to go on, definitely not.
White people need to be more race consciousness?
Are you fucking kidding me?
You mean I have to be more aware of my Anglo-Saxon , caucasian heritage?
I'm half Scottish and half English. Scottish on one side, English/Canadian on the other.
I know ALOT about my Scottish and English heritage, and I have a STRONG family connection to my English side, I love British music culture , everything, it's a big part of who I am even though I'm Canadian. So I am FULLY aware of where I come from.
The Scottish and English are a people who believe in diversity, RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, and RESPECT FOR all groups of people and races. If you took one look at modern scotland, you'd see a much less white country than you expect.
Scotland's last prime minister was Humza Yousaf, FFS. A Pakistani muslim immigrant.
THAT is me being race-conscious . The Scottish and English don't go marching around the world trying to stamp White Nationalism into law anymore and assert their White hegemony ... Sure there was a time when they did, but they haven't done that for hundreds of years.
As for Canadian identity, we fought the Nazis on the beaches of Normandy.
So don't tell me I need to be "race-conscious" when I know fully where I come from, and what I stand for, and where my FAMILY comes from and where my PEOPLE come from, and what we stand for. You wouldn't know what "race-conscious" meant if it hit you in the face.
I have taken a look at Scotland, and the U.K. as a whole, and it is disturbing how far you have fallen. You are a third world shithole where Whites are quickly becoming a minority, thanks in part to your worship of "diversity", which just means less White people.
The fact that you'd vote for a Pakistani as your President tells me that there is little hope for you. You are an embarrassment to your ancestors. You've betrayed their memory and everything they have fought for. You should hang your head in shame.
He's actually Canadian, but it's no better up there. Toronto and Vancouver are overrun by non-whites. But it's OK because Canadians are just so open minded, eh? They'll commit cultural and demographic suicide all while believing in their own sanctity.
Apparently you missed the entire point of everything I said...
Your stupid notion of "white identity" is bullshit, and it's idiotic.
You can't base an identity on just "being white".
There's at least 100 different ethnicities of white people alone, you have to be one or a few of them.
You can't just pick "whiteness" as your identity. You're either german, english, hell, Cajun , Spanish, Australian, Dutch, French, Russian, or any number of others.
But just being "White" isn't an ethnicity. It isn't anything.
If you've lost all European connection to your heritage that's fine, then you're just a causcasian American. Your identity is American, which is likely you have a few small 1% of Native American in you somewhere.
But just claiming "whiteness" as your identity... that's not an identity. That's not a group of people. The Irish are an identity, the Germans, the Scottish. Maybe you should try and actually find out what you are, if you have no communication with your real family anymore or probably never had much to begin with.
and why does it matter if a Pakistani runs for government in a free country anyway?
Why do I care about that? I don't give a shit what country the leader is born in all I care about is they are the best one for the job. I don't give a shit if they're from Afghanistan. If they're smart enough for the job, they should do it.
You have the wrong impression of me. I am Polish, born in Poland. I know my ethnicity and am proud of my heritage. But I am looking beyond just my ethnicity and want to preserve what it means to be European. That means White, which is not just an ethnicity but a race. It is disturbing to see third world shitskins being imported to places like London and Paris and turning them into ghettos. My country Poland and countries like Hungary are still resisting this but there are forces that are trying to force them to import garbage people into their countries too. Well not on my watch. Whites are a tiny (shrinking) minority of the world's population and they are quickly becoming minorities in their own countries. Do you not care about your race going extinct? Has your brain been so thoroughly broken by woke propaganda that you don't recognize what White people have accomplished? That they've created the best and most advanced civilization in human history, something that no other race could do? Have you lost the instinct to protect your race? Have you been so brainwashed that you believe that "diversity is our strength"? What is wrong with you?
No other race acts this way. Only retarded liberal Whites like you have been convinced to commit cultural and racial suicide.
I don't care about any of that. I hate white people.
They are the most depressed people on the planet. The most substance-abusing, the most spousal-abusing. The most social-media addicted. Just all around unhappy people.
White people have more divorces than anyone else, because none of them are in happy marriages. They don't base their relationships on anything deep or meaningful.
When I go outside, and I see white people (specifically young people) The more younger they are the more miserable, and depressed they look. I see a group of immigrants walk by, maybe indian? I don't know, I don't care. They look happy. They're smiling, hands on eachothers backs. They're leisurely strolling along. Taking in the sun.
That's what I see when I see brown people in my community.
So at the end of the day, I don't even WANT more white people around.
I don't relate to them at all. They're depressed, miserable. They abuse drugs. They live in homeless encampments in tents. Why would I want more white people in my community? I don't even like the ones HERE already, and I'm white.
That's my honest opinion. I could care less if they opened the floodgates of African immigration.
It would only BENEFIT our economy. More workers. More people.
In a world of declining birthrates, immigration is literally the only thing places like U.S., Britain and Canada have going for them.
Do you want to end up like Japan? Going extinct? That's what happens if you cut immigration.
Birth rates are down cutting immigration doesn't fix it , look at Japan and South Korea.
I don't give a shit what the skin colors of the people around me are.
I lived 35 years around white people, and I have NEVER felt at home among them. They are a miserable, depressed and pathetic people.
Just as I thought, another self-hating White. You are pathetic. An embarrassment to your race.
I would say more but it would violate the TOS of this site.