MovieChat Forums > Politics > 10 Commandments - Legal or No?

10 Commandments - Legal or No?

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Right View:

What do you think? Who will win? How the right is going about this is that it isn't taxpayer funded and that it isn't forced, just text. Maybe if they take the word god out of it it's doable? I mean if they can shove BLM CRT and Pride stuff onto kids, why not this? I guess the religious aspects of it but again, take out god from text.


If they allow pride flags and LGBTQ propaganda in schools then they should allow this. It's certainly healthier.
But neither should be allowed in schools. We have a separation of church and state. So no public school should push religious propaganda onto kids. And since Woke LGBTQ activists function like a religious cult, their doctrine has no place in public schools either.
If you want your kid indoctrinated into a religion or the Woke cult then send them to a private school that caters to that sort of thing.



Fuckin priceless

The right: How dare they indoctrinate our children with non mandatory participation in drag queen story hour!

Also the right: Should we indoctrinate a religious belief to children with mandatory display of religious rules? Damn tootin’ we should!!

