Mexico is stopping nearly three times as many migrants as last year, which helps the U.S.
Mexico is stopping nearly three times as many migrants who have crossed its southern border as it was a year ago, a trend that U.S. officials say has helped blunt the surge in crossings of the U.S. border usually seen at this time of year.
Biden administration officials also point to the increased help from Mexico in slowing migration as proof that their relationship with their southern neighbors is more effective than the Trump administration’s.
Former President Donald Trump has derided President Joe Biden’s record and claimed that his administration was more successful at controlling the border.
Early last year, Mexico interdicted roughly 100,000 migrants at its southern border or inside Mexico per month, while the U.S. was apprehending over 193,000 migrants monthly at the U.S.-Mexico border. This year, more migrants are being stopped inside Mexico than in the U.S., with over 280,000 being interdicted in Mexico and 189,000 in the U.S. in March, according to figures obtained by NBC News.
Thank you, President Biden and Mexico.
Here's and idea. Let's put business owners and others who provide comfort to illegal aliens in prison then the crisis at the southern border would be solved overnight.