MovieChat Forums > Politics > Protest arrests/beatdowns

Protest arrests/beatdowns

I am getting tired of online reports of cops beatdown or brutalizing protestors, and then when you watch it, the cops are being completely professional and restrained in their use of force, despite dealing with... you know, freaking assholes.

Between work and my family and other real life issues, I only have a limited time to spend online.

I'm sure that I am not alone in this.

People should have some consideration and not waste my time or get my hopes up, with false advertising.


Also, if you have some really good clips of cops giving these punks what they deserve, posting that would be cool too.


I'm no fan of the cops but in 99% of the cases during these types of leftist protests, it's some larping worm who gets far gentler treatment than he/she deserves but still squeals bloody murder in an effort to rile up the fellow drones. I'd really enjoy seeing some of them getting brained with a truncheon. That would shut them up.


Someone pointed out a lot of things got changed because of protests.

Did women shut up and then one day the powers that be decided to give them the vote just cuz?

Did Martin Luthor King Jr march just to get steps for his Fitbit?

Did thousands of young men stop getting killed in Vietnam because Nixon had a change of heart?


The idea that the polices that you mention were taken by force from those in power by protestors,

is a fantasy. Not true.


Who said force?


Force, pressure, what have you, you are presenting a fantasy of protestors being the ones making policy.

MLK, admitted that the majority of whites supported equality for blacks before he started his campaign. He whole point was not making them bow to his will, or pressuring them, or even CONVINCING them, but getting them to notice and motivate them to take action.

To address ONE of your examples.


I think you are conflating protesting with rioting. Peaceful protestors shouldn't be arrested, because they are exercising their first amendment right. Peaceful protest also accomplishes more rioting. Did women burn down cities until they were given the right to vote? Did the black Panthers kill cops until they were given their civil rights? Notice MLK, the most successful civil rights leader of the era was the one that believed in non violence.

As for Vietnam, I disagree that the protests had any effect. The war was over, and there was a peace agreement in place when the US started to pull troops.


Yes, I agree, asking nicely for things works best.

May I please have a right sir?


If the goal is to draw attention to your cause, and spark a conversation, then yes asking nicely does work best. You don't commit a bunch of crimes, and then say lets talk about our cause, no, the conversation is going to be about the crimes that were committed, you don't start a conversation from that place.

Its also a logical fallacy to try and show that you are right, by how angry you are. Just because you are mad to the point of violence doesn't mean your view is justified.


These young people are foolish puppets with their foreign conflict protests instead of protesting things like their generation unable to afford houses, unable to get jobs after college, hyperinflation, high gas prices, etc.

The current generation is too brainwashed to reason with.


Very true. I work with some young people. They are brainwashed in... the nonsense, but at the same time, they are really hurting economically as the effects of generations of bad trade and money and immigration policy just pile on more and more.


I think the facts just don't matter to people. We have body cams in almost all situations, and even when the police are professional, and the person isn't complying, and resisting, people still complain. Especially if it's a white cop arresting a black person. Then the cop is always racist, and used too much force, and the black person has no accountability. I the police should continue to be transparent, and just ignore the dumb people complaining.

As for rioting, I don't think the police do enough. When you see footage of riots from the 60s the the riot police are out there with their clear shields and paddywagons stopping the riots and arresting people. I don't think that exists anymore. Now they just let the crime run its course, and prosecute based on what was caught on video.


I think they should have built a fence around them and then locked them in. after running out of food and water and pooping on the grass like a dog. they would be begging to be let out.
