Who else had classmates killed by direct actions of Biden?
I will never forgive the man for his crimes against humanity.
I was in school when 9/11 happened.. I remember before the Iraq War started, the war drums were banging. I was one of the only ones who thought that it was a bad idea.
Unfortunately, liars were in control of our government and my classmates, seeing the pay the military provided, were suckered in. After all, support of NAFTA had closed the factories in town and we were on hard times.
3 of my classmates died in Iraq thanks to Biden.
You see, in that time, the President needed Senate approval to go to war. The Senate was Democratic majority at the time, so Hillary and Biden led the charge to pass this illegal war.
Biden was chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee in the Senate, and even coordinated with the W admin to handpick every one of the Senate witnesses. It was a war he had wanted since at least 1998, as Biden had repeatedly called for it and lied about having "proof" Saddam had WMDs and was planning to strike the USA.
Voting for Biden is no different than voting for Cheney or W or Hillary. They are war criminals.