MovieChat Forums > Politics > Traitor Biden undercounted Ukraine spend...

Traitor Biden undercounted Ukraine spending by $14 Billion

As if it wasn't bad enough that the President committed high treason and plundered the treasury because his son got an open bribe in the most corrupt country in Europe, it turns out he stole more than he admitted.

Why do we not impeach this guy? He is objectively the worst President since at least the Reconstruction, and between this and him leading the largest invasion of the USA in history, there's more than enough proof that he's a traitor.

It's Biden and Bush's Iraq War all over again, where the real cost is much more than what is "on the books" and we are told after the fact.

May the most prolific war criminal alive burn in hell for his crimes against humanity!


Let's see, 10% for the Big Guy works out to...


its called laundering money. everyone gets rich in this scenario...
