"This incident has resulted in over 60 deaths and 160 injuries, some of which are critical”
The rest are of them very mild… Don’t spend more than a minute sweating one of the most formidable war machines on Earth obstructing you and family’s access to rudimentary first aid. Just throw a kerchief around that hemorrhaging stump where your 3 year old’s left leg used to be, and enjoy the lovely Mediterranean spring weather
That's Israel's goal from Day 1. Ethnic cleanse Palestinians in order to steal all of their land. Palestinian Christians have been forced out, also. Western and Muslim political leaders continue to support it.
The Zionists try to make this about Islam. The first victims of Israel were the Palestinian Christians in the West Bank. This war has nothing to do with religion, unless you factor in Israel's fatuous claim that they received a land deed from god 3000 years ago.
But it certainly is all about Islam. That was true long before Hamas came along. In 1947, the Muslim world's most prestigious institution of learning, Al Azhar University in Egypt, issued 3 fatwas calling for the global Muslim umma to wage jihad in the name of Islam to destroy Israel after the United Nations announced its support for the Partition Plan. Al Azhar University has issued more fatwas since then calling for jihad against Israel. The jihad against Israel is now led by Hamas, who are strict Islamists.
No, the so-called "occupation" refers to the Israeli takeover of the West Bank and Gaza Strip during the 6 Day War. The Partition Plan was certainly not occupation. It was dividing the land between 2 independent states, the opposite of occupation. The Partition Plan was actually meant to end occupation. The British had occupied the land since the end of World War I.
If you look at the transfer from British colonialism to settlement and control by white European Ashkenazi Jews, Israel's existence is colonial occupation.
The British didn't "transfer" control in the land of Israel to the Jews. They simply got up and left. The Jews only got control of what they successfully fought for. The surrounding Arab countries got control of the rest. By your logic, the surrounding Arab countries conquering that land was an exercise in colonial occupation. You could make a much stronger case for that because for them it was just extra territory outside of their original established borders. And Israel isn't settler colonialism because it's not a colony of an outside imperial home country. Israel is just its own country.
Yes, Palestine was a colony of Britain under the League of Nations Mandate. No, Britain handed it over to the white Ashkenazi settlers, ignoring the indigenous Palestinians. The closest analogy is the white settlers in South Africa who set up an apartheid system like Israel's to keep the indigenous peoples out of power.
Apartheid has been abolished in South Africa. Israel is next and their ethnic cleansing in Gaza is the double edged sword which will finally destroy them. The Ashkenazi can no longer hide as victims of Nazi genocide because they're committing genocide themselves.
No, Palestine was never a British "colony". The British never had any intention of permanently keeping it. It was mandated to their temporary authority by the League of Nations. On top of that, Israel is not a British colony. It's a completely independent state. It has no formal ties to the United Kingdom.
And as I told you before, the British didn't "hand over" control of it to the Jews. If they had then there wouldn't have been a war between the Jews and Arabs from 1948-1949. If they had then the Jews would have ended up with full control over the entire land of Israel. The British simply got up and left. They did absolutely nothing to help the Jews establish a state or defend it. They didn't give any weapons to the Jews. But the British actually did help the Arabs. British General John Glubb had been the leader of the the Arab Legion, Jordan's Army, since 1939. He led the Arab Legion during the war with Israel.
Israel is not committing ethnic cleansing in Gaza. Egypt won't allow any Gazans to enter. The Gazans are all still in Gaza. It's even more absurd to accuse Israel of genocide. It wasn't genocide when the Allies killed 300,000-600,000 civilians by bombing German cities during World War II so what Israel is doing is that much more clearly not genocide.
Do you realize there was an active campaign of Ashkenazi Zionist terrorism against the British military and Palestinian civilians? That's why Britain wanted out.
A look back at the Zionist terrorism that led to Israel’s creation
While a lot of western focus is on operation carried out by Hamas, little is being said about the years-long terror campaign launched by the Zionists in the 1940s.
Israel was created by the Allies after the Holocaust for the Ashkenazi. My position is that land should have been taken from Germany, not Palestinians. The Ashkenazi needed a refuge. But it was foolish to steal land from the Palestinians to do it.
Israeli apartheid was documented by no less than an American President:
A Mandate is NOT a colony. The point of the League of Nations Mandate was to provide "administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone". Britain had no intention of permanent control over the territory. Even if you did consider the Mandate to be a colony then it ceased to be a colony once the British left and it was divided up by war into the newly established State of Israel and the territory taken by Jordan and Egypt.
Pointing out that there was zionist terrorism against the British shows how much you're not clearly thinking about the issue you're discussing. You claimed that Israel is basically a British colony. But zionist terrorism against the British just proves that the British and the zionists weren't on the same side. If it's really true that the British left in 1948 mainly in response to zionist terrorism then it clearly proves that the British weren't trying to help the zionists set up their own state.
I'm well aware of the idea that after the Holocaust a Jewish state should have been established in Germany. Trying to do that would have presented its own large problems. Israel was hardly "created" by other countries. The most those other countries did was vote in favor of the Partition Plan. The involvement of these other countries was almost entirely passive. They provided no material support to help the zionists establish a state. They didn't care enough about the issue of a Jewish state to do any real work to help establish one. Doing the hard work of carving out a piece of German territory for a Jewish state was out of the question for them.
You also ignore the fact that there were already half a million Jews in the British Mandate with an established social and economic infrastructure as well a quasi-government and quasi-military by the end of World War II. It made little sense to try to move all of that to somewhere in Germany. Establishing a Jewish state in Germany meant starting completely from scratch. Instead, a Jewish state was established in the land of Israel after the Holocaust because it was by far the easiest place to do it at that time. There was nothing "foolish" about what the zionists did. If they didn't establish a state then the Arabs would have pushed them into the Mediterranean. Establishing a state was a matter of survival for them.
I'm well aware that it's popular to apply the 'apartheid' label to Israel but there's no real basis for it. The article I linked to explains that 'apartheid' is actually a legal term with strong historical connotations and a specific definition and it explains why Israel doesn't meet those standards. You point to a book written by Jimmy Carter to prove Israel is 'apartheid' but he's no expert on the subject and simply doesn't understand the real standards that define it.
I never blamed Egypt for anything happening in Gaza. I simply pointed out that Egypt isn't allowing any Gazans into Sinai to show that there's no ethnic cleansing. Unarmed people are unfortunately killed in every war. Even the Allies killed at least 600,000 unarmed civilians in Axis countries by bombing.
There's been destruction and disrespect of places of worship for a long time on both sides of the Israeli-Arab conflict. The Arabs destroyed 34 out of 35 synagogues in East Jerusalem's Old City when they gained control of it during the Israeli War of Independence. The very presence of the most important mosque in the entire land of Israel is itself an act of gross disrespect towards Jews because it was built on the most sacred site for Jews.
The Israelis would seem a lot greater to you if you compared them to the surrounding Arab countries. 80 years ago, there were 100,000 Jews in the 4 Arab countries bordering Israel. Today it's down to 32. 32! There's 29 Jews in Lebanon, 3 Jews in Egypt and zero Jews in either Jordan or Syria. Compare that to Israel, whose population includes over 1 million Muslims. Israel is the most tolerant and diverse country in the Mideast.
I can't read that Haaretz article because it's behind a paywall. Have you even read it? All I can see is the first 2 sentences about Bezalel Smotrich. The article I linked to explains why there's no real basis for applying the 'apartheid' label to Israel:
'Apartheid' is actually a legal term with strong historical connotations and a specific definition and the article I linked to explains why Israel doesn't meet those standards. The writer of that Haaretz article, Michael Sfard, doesn't necessarily understand those standards. For all I know he's just applying that label because he's seen others do the same thing.
Yeah, it is all about Islam. In 1947, the Muslim world's most prestigious institution of learning, Al Azhar University in Egypt, issued 3 fatwas calling for the global Muslim umma to wage jihad in the name of Islam to destroy Israel after the United Nations announced its support for the Partition Plan. Al Azhar University has issued more fatwas since then calling for jihad against Israel. The jihad against Israel is now led by Hamas, who are are strict Islamists.
You can't deny the facts. Anti-zionism in the Mideast is all about Islam. Pointing to intolerant zionists doesn't change those facts. And very few zionists literally want Israel to have only Jews. Most zionist extremists simply want there to be a large, completely dominant Jewish majority and for Jews to live in every single part of the land of Israel. And could you even explain to those who want a Jewish-only Israel why there's anything wrong with that? There are literally no Jews in 2 of the countries bordering Israel! And Saudi Arabia, a country geographically 83 times larger than Israel, is already a Muslim-only country.
Everything that you're saying about supposed Israeli persecution of Christians does NOT change in the slightest what I'm saying. I'm saying that Arab opposition to Israel is all about Islam. Get it now? Nothing you say about Israeli treatment of Christians changes that fact.
None of these false claims changes what I said. Arab opposition to Israel is all about Islam. All you're proving is that you know I'm right about this and you just don't want to admit it.
It's not my opinion. It's just a fact. I cited nothing but facts to prove that Arab opposition to Israel is all about Islam. You can't deny the facts. The Jimmy Carter book doesn't disprove the fact that Arab opposition to Israel is all about Islam.
Today, I just finished reading a section in "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" by former Pres. Jimmy Carter about how Christians are persecuted, forbidden to freely practice Christianity, meet with other Christians and travel to important religious sites.
Palestinian Christians have tended the holy sites on the West Bank for centuries. They were given the West Bank but Israelis have established so many illegal settlements there that the original Partition plan would be unenforceable without moving half a million Jewish settlers. And the religious zealots won't budge.
You're lying about Christians in the West Bank being forbidden to freely practice Christianity. You lied the same way several months ago about Israel supposedly banning Muslims from praying. And it's very surprising to see you take such an interest in the well-being of any Christians considering all the wrong-doing you blame on Christians:
Christians killed 6 million Jews, created the Atlantic slave trade, committed genocide against indigenous Americans and lynched thousands. Most persecution by Christians against Jews, Blacks, Natives, women, etc. continues today. Google Tree of Life and Buffalo store massacres. White Christian Nationalists force 13-year-old rape victims to have babies.
Holocaust. Spanish Inquisition. Crusades. Slavery and land theft against non-believers. Numerous religious wars throughout Europe. Systemic religious persecution throughout Europe. Forced conversions. Multitude of sex abuse against children and women.
Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid
book by Jimmy Carter details the vile treatment that Christians endure from the Israeli government which has created numerous barriers and checkpoints within Bethlehem.
Why do you even care what Israel does to Palestinian Christians after you blamed Christians in general for all these bad things:
Christians killed 6 million Jews, created the Atlantic slave trade, committed genocide against indigenous Americans and lynched thousands. Most persecution by Christians against Jews, Blacks, Natives, women, etc. continues today. Google Tree of Life and Buffalo store massacres. White Christian Nationalists force 13-year-old rape victims to have babies.
Holocaust. Spanish Inquisition. Crusades. Slavery and land theft against non-believers. Numerous religious wars throughout Europe. Systemic religious persecution throughout Europe. Forced conversions. Multitude of sex abuse against children and women.
You can't have your cake and it too with Christians. Trying to use Palestinian Christians the way you are after making those denunciations of Christians is despicable.
You claimed that Christians in the West Bank are forbidden from practicing Christianity. That's completely false. The presence of Israeli barriers and checkpoints in the West Bank does NOT change the fact that Palestinian Christians in the West Bank have total freedom to practice their religion. Those are 2 completely different things. That has nothing whatsoever to do with their religion. Those barriers and checkpoints equally affect the Muslim majority in the West Bank.
By your idiotic logic, the Allies' war against Nazi Germany and Lincoln's war against the Confederacy were actually anti-Christian.
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