because trump himeself is both a supporter of israel and a supporter of sepretist ideology that say america should not intrefere with other countries which is also what biden is against because biden want to dictate to israel what to do all the time.
so i ask this. how does pro palestina anti semitic people like you support a president that will let israel do whatever she wants?
i see that you still butthurt about the fact that there is 100% solid footage of reptilians. something that makes you butthurt to the core of your heart. so much that you cant let it go
Umm, the only one here that openly hates Israel is Keelai, and he is no "trumptard'... so explain that one, Hoss.
Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome Skavau
Keelai robocat893
The problem with Israel, is that there is quite a bit to not like about what they do.
One reason people don't like Israel is the dual-citizenship stuff. If a Jew is subverting another culture and it becomes too crazy, they can escape that country and run to Israel to avoid accountability/punishment.
Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome Skavau
Keelai robocat893
Muslims are hostile to any Kaffir. (The radical ones)
Have you ever tried reading the Koran? It only takes about 10 pages before it teaches you to hate and kill non-believers. It's pretty nuts. I didn't make it past the first few chapters.
Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome Skavau
Keelai robocat893
You cited one person. The left is largely calling for genocide against Jews and are claiming that Adolf Hitler was right. Even the leftists who aren’t calling for that are not denouncing the ones who are. That is a gross false equivalence , the left wants Holocaust 2.0