MovieChat Forums > Politics > THIS SHIT IS NO JOKE... OUR COUNTRY IS I...


#45 should have been impeached four times, all for different forms of abuse of power, violation of oath of office, sedition and obstruction of justice for failing to honor Congressional subpoenas.

1. Solicitation of foreign interference to aid reelection bid. Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine. To Zelenskyy: For support, announce public investigation of the Bidens, and promote conspiracy theory that Ukraine (not Russia) was responsible for 2016 election interference of hacking DNC. Audio recording confirmed.

2. Weakening the USPS to slow down vote-by-mail tally to coincide with his election night tactic promoting confusion and disillusionment over legitimacy of the process. ("Everything stopped") Discharge of Megan Brennan, and replacement as Postmaster General with unqualified loyalist, Louis DeJoy, who also had conflicts of interest.

3. Solicitation of crime to Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, to throw out electoral outcome, find him 11,000 additional votes and declare him the winner. Audio recording confirmed.

4. Incitement of riot and insurrection at U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021 to prevent official certification, administered by Trump's own running mate ("Hang Mike Pence!"), of the 2020 election which would officially award control of the Executive Branch to the legitimate victor, Joseph R. Biden, of Delaware, as the 46th President of the United States. Capitol was breached, endangering the lives of elected representatives and first responders. Video recording confirmed. 4 fatalities, including a shooting death. One police officer beaten severely. Several other Capitol Police committed suicide in the weeks and months to follow. Trump aide, Cassidy Hutchison, testified under oath that Trump wanted to attend his coup attempt in person ignoring safety concerns, and grabbed the steeling wheel from his Secret Service driver.

DJT is as corrupt as they come, doesn't care about our established form of government, the rule of law, or public service, and has no business anywhere near the halls of power... or really, anywhere, outside of a prison cell.

He's even committed more crimes and acts of sedition since leaving office, including one that endangered national security, and is awaiting first criminal trial (of a total of 91 state-level and federal felony charges) on March 4th, 2024. He has essentially crafted his subsequent campaign for reelection based on being a persecuted criminal with dictatorial pursuits. This way, if elected he will be seen as being completely above-the-law.

This shit is no joke. Pay attention, and VOTE to reelect the sitting President, or whomever receives the Democratic Party nomination.


the people in the Biden 46 Cult are all brainwashed, I feel bad for you...


Look at this complete projection on display of the MAGA supporters' OWN mental derangment!

Nobody worships Biden, for goodness sakes. Many of us long to get past this time in history and onward to new blood in politics, whether it's DeSantis or Haley on one side, or Dean Phillips, Gavin Newsom or VP Kamala Harris on the other. Or any others, yet unknown, who have quiet dignity, sincere ambitions, lofty goals and optimistic outlooks.

Trump has been a bonafide degenerate criminal his entire public life. Dismantle your fuckin' cult... NOW, goddammit. I served this nation in wartime, and I will do so again.


all the people in the BBB Cult are worse. they support tyranny and fascism and want america to fail.


Properly define the term 'projection.'


I had to google Dean Phillips - this is the best the Dems got? Three-term Representative from Minnesota?

What ever happened to Tim Caine? Newsom and Harris are nonstarters.


It’s a nice AI post. Perfect example of what to put on ignore.


C’mon man. Everyone is furious about weakening the U.S. postal system. I can’t believe we didn’t see BLM level riots over No. 2.


Absolutely. Where were the PSLM mostly peaceful protests. Democrats Could’ve burned down a few more cities.


So my college class did a study and listed 2 candidates to vote for, but withheld their names.

The only thing available were the candidates past records. The information available was border crossings statistics, crime rates, gas prices, inflation rates, number of wars, number of citizens dying from drugs and a few more stats.

A few classes voted and about 90% of the people who voted chose the candidate that had less wars going on, they liked the idea of cheaper gas prices, lower inflation and less crime.
When asked why, the common answer was common sense, they don't like paying more.

Then we redo the voting, but this time show the candidates names. Everything changes and does a 180, 90% of the voters ignore the candidates record and vote solely on the name.

These people are no longer voting for what they believe, what's better for their wallet, or whats better for the country.
They are solely voting on the name.

All your crying is like saying, come on everyone let's keep the guy who has record border crossings, just ignore the people on the terror watch list pouring over.

3 years of very high inflation and gas, food prices are out of control. The government is stripping money from people any way they can.

And the Democrat justice system is disgusting, Democrat no cash bail.
Illegal immigrant fights police officer, gets let out, then is caught stealing from Macy's and let out again.


This is a problem for Trump. The country focuses on the messenger, not the message. We really are a wonderfully stupid nation!


The government and economic outlook of the country don't change course like a speedboat. It's altered course is gradual like that of an aircraft carrier. Democrats ARE voting for their beliefs, financial and emotional stability and good of the country, in part because we understand this and have a broader conception of how things work. SJW college students with limited experience may or may not be an exception, I don't know, but there are plenty of others who've, you know, been around and had significant life experience to actually not miss the forest for the trees.

World events, also, do not revolve around OUR leaders. This is a self-centered attitude. The war in Ukraine, of which our service members are NOT fighting, is largely a result of previous, disgraced Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, and criminal, murdering dictator thug, Russian President Putin. It has nothing to do with our own politics, except with respect to our own former criminal leader embracing a likeminded criminal leader of a hostile power. You think a movement advocating for America First would understand this.

Only cultish and self-important attitudes, like those of demagogue Trump, would account for the belief that there are crisis overseas, gas company price-gouging, etc, would mean we need to punch our ballot differently. If you want change, punch your ballots differently only to get the Legislative and Executive Branches on the same page for once, thereby either bolstering it's ability to regulate industry and foster growth (Dems) or sit on their thumbs and permit corruption (Rep). That way, at least we have the ability to see what's going on with more transparency. For goodness sakes, this divided waffly attitude weakens the fabric of our country.

I know you are a lying manipulator of words working to a specific goal of thwarting democracy. You pretend to not understand cause-and-effect, but voting out Joe Biden for 3% inflation is like lambasting the CEO of Sweet Tomatoes buffet, a restaurant that went out of business post-pandemic. It's not HIS fault. The crisis compounded due to government failure and inaction during the Trump administration and affected our economy, including restaurants, thusly.

Students had every right to change their vote once they can untie themselves from something as misleading as numbers. Also, why weren't Stock Market growth, national GDP, individual liberty and unemployment statistics factored in?

You're a total weasel. Piss off.


Nobody read any of that lol.


Lmfao!!! AI


Some questions we could expect from a “blind poll” conducted by the typical “university of higher education”.

Candidate A accomplishments:

- was a noble well meaning public servant for over 50 years
- cmon man

Candidate B accomplishments:
- is an evil orange man capitalist pig misogynist cultist leader agent of chaos
- colluded with the evil orange Russia Putin Nazi
- killed millions with his (not a man made virus from China wear your masks)Covid response despite the efforts of our noble saviors in big pharma providing a “safe and effective” “vaccine”
- did we mention he’s evil and orange?

Vote A or die here:


Was it a lesson on how push-polling can skew results to get the answer you want?


If you're still in college you have very little knowledge of the real world.

Case in point: we've had FOUR years of very high inflation.

And the number one reason for this inflation is Jerome Powell, appointed by Trump. Biden reappointed him, so Biden has to carry that baggage. Stupid move on Biden's part, he should have washed his hands of this ass-hat.

Neither Biden nor Trump says anything about whether Powell should be reappointed. No one talks about it on these boards.

Your college sounds lame.

Don't trust anyone under 50.


Wrong, oil is the bloodline of every country.

Democrats hate fossil fuels, are less likely to drill and frack and have shut down pipelines.
They think they can replace bad dirty fossil fuels.

This notion created a problem in transportation and manufacturing

Once oil goes up, everything follows.

Democrats have horrible business practice and spend more money then they ever make back


OK zoomer.


They are also bringing emergency oil reserves to dangerous lows.
These Democrats are beyond fucked up...


Excellent rebuttal, leftist.


"Excellent rebuttal, leftist."

Jerome Powell: thumbs up or thumbs down?


"Democrats have horrible business practice and spend more money then they ever make back"

Tax Freedom Day (Deficit Inclusive) was April 22 in 1979.

It's never come earlier since.

Tax Freedom Day (Deficit Inclusive) in 2019 was May 8.

Tax Foundation doesn't even publish this anymore because their data doesn't support their agenda.


jeeez imagine writing all of that, being this obsessed. you people are insane.


LemminGPT wrote it


DEFINITELY not working for the DNC!


Sorry, Joe Biden has to go. He was only a speedbump on Donald Trump's road to destiny. Same goes for any other Democrat who tries to stand in his way.






Trump is the only President every documented to have poopy pants.




Nuclear TDS on display. It's off to the padded room for you, so sad..


You're talking about "whynotwriteme" of course. tRump's destiny lies in the courts, and it's not looking good, Skippy.


Yeah, I'm voting for Trump.


Totally agree with this. Trump is a criminal, and so are all the losers who support him and solicit votes for him. To show how corrupt parts of our government have become, the Supreme Court actually has input on the Constitution which says OBVIOUSLY, that no Presidential Candidate who has committed or participated in an insurrection can be on the ballot.

No matter how much of how loud the RWNOMC ... the Right Wing Nuts Of Movie Chat ... scream and how ugly, insulting, or profane they get, they are still supporting a criminal, immoral, lying, ignoramus for President.
