MovieChat Forums > Politics > Osteen Church shooter was a Salvadoran T...

Osteen Church shooter was a Salvadoran Transman with a "Free Palestine" sticker on shim's rifle.


So another anti-Christian and pro Muslim terrorist scumbag.

Too bad the five year old was caught up in this insanity.


As if having an imbecilic "Queers for Palestine" parent wasn't enough, the poor little guy had to be dragged along to a mass shooting to serve as a human shield for his creepy MomDad.


Texans and their gun nuts:

I like the perfectly relaxed guy at around 1:30 and 2:03. It must be his umpteenth shooting.


Funny how the Texas mass shooters are all people you would not think of as "gun nuts". They were Hispanic Transmen or Incels at Uvalde School, the mall in Allen and here at the Osteen church. None were the white Trump fan "gun nuts" you love to hate.

Fortunately, there were some "gun nuts" present at the church to kill the shooter before they claimed any lives for Palestine or Trans Rights or whatever they thought they were fighting for.


Gun nuts legally sold a mentally ill woman an AR-15. She also repeatedly terrorized her neighborhood FOR YEARS with her guns, but the cops refused to do anything.

She didn't deserve to die. She had schizophrenia. She need mental help. Now, an innocent little boy is critically injured and without a mom who should have been helped years ago. WTF


She had a gun and she was definitely nuts. I'll give you that much. BTW, if the kid lives, he will be better off without her.


No, he won't. He would've been better off if someone had intervened and helped his mom. No one will ever love you more than your mom. Poor kid.


She was getting help.


QUALITY mental care. Texas is an obvious mess so I doubt she was receiving it. Perhaps gave her wrong dosage meds and then told her to get lost rather than real intensive treatment that she needed or even commit her since she was violent. Her in-law says that she wasn't being treated. Plus:

1. Child welfare preferred a mentally unstable woman keep custody instead of the father or other relative.
2. Legally allowed a mentally ill woman to have arms.
3. Police ignored various neighbors menaced by her aiming guns at them.

Hubby was a sex offender and DWI. Kid had special needs. Sheesh!

If she were born male, was their kid adopted? If so, I'll add a #4.


I think she was born female and took on a male identity later.


Either way, s/he was still a trans.


"Our shooter is identified by a driver's license as Genesee Moreno 36 years old, Hispanic female. There are some discrepancies," HPD's Commander of Homicide Christopher Hassig said at a press conference. "We do have reports she used multiple aliases, including Jeffrey Escalante. So she has utilized both male and female names but through all of our investigation to this point, talking with individuals, interviews, documents, Houston Police Department reports, she has been identified this entire time as female."

At this point she's about as male as a guy who makes a female character in World of Warcraft is a female.


These morons are wishing for this shooter to be transgender so they have something to be outraged about.


tranny guns are the worst.


Wait, are you saying people can't be whatever sex they want to be?


No, I'm saying that the allegation that this woman was trans is tenuous.


So people can be whatever sex they want to be?


No, they can't. Not sure what you're driving at here.




You know I have many criticisms of the wider trans-movement right?

I just happen to also believe that my criticisms have nothing to do with their civil liberties, and that kids happening to know of their existence isn't going to hurt them.

You can be critical of many claims made by transgender activists (for want of a better term), and many excesses of progressivism without violent rhetoric as espoused by many here and elsewhere.


I also don't believe they should be deprived of their civil liberties/rights, but many in the LGBTetc., community and leftists say that a man who gets hormone treatment, cuts off his penis and has a hole installed is a female.


Sure. Although this person didn't even do that.


I'm not sure if all the info is in yet, but they were definitely disturbed.


Most shooters are


it doesn't get more disturbed than a dude in a dress!


Jeffrey is a male name. S/he identified using a male name.

What do you call someone who identifies as the opposite gender?

Transgender: Often shortened to trans. A term describing a person's gender identity that does not necessarily match their assigned sex at birth.


>Jeffrey is a male name. S/he identified using a male name.

"Our shooter is identified by a driver's license as Genesee Moreno 36 years old, Hispanic female. There are some discrepancies," HPD's Commander of Homicide Christopher Hassig said at a press conference. "We do have reports she used multiple aliases, including Jeffrey Escalante. So she has utilized both male and female names but through all of our investigation to this point, talking with individuals, interviews, documents, Houston Police Department reports, she has been identified this entire time as female."

There's no evidence it was a meaningful part of her identity.


Jeffrey was the "Primary" name among all the aliases used.

Trying to use the word "meaningful" doesn't change the facts.


Where does it say it was the "primary name"?



This is a person with a long deep history of criminal behaviour.


Nevertheless, that person was a trans.


Highly debateable. Ultimately no-one knows enough about their life to make a claim confidently. Certainly there is no reason to assume it had any relevance to their motive anymore than the "white male" attribute of most shooters over the last decade plays a role in it.


Not all mentally ill leftists that go on a mass shooting are trans.


Most mentally ill people who go on shooting sprees aren't leftist at all.


You still don’t know what a leftist is or what a right-wing is other than what the internet tells you.

- Anyone can identify as something other than what they are.
- Anyone can represent themselves as something other than what they are.
- Anyone can wear the clothes of something other than what they are.

If they go on a shooting spree and/or rape children they are neither conservatives nor right-wing.

Use your brain for once instead of the internet to tell you how to think.


>You still don’t know what a leftist is or what a right-wing is other than what the internet tells you.

I know what a leftist is. I know what a right-winger is. You have invented your own partisan definition of right-wing and left-wing that you then impose upon everyone else. No-one has any reason to give a single fuck what you claim they are. You're wrong. You don't get to dictate how people use language.

>- Anyone can identify as something other than what they are.

Absolutely. Except the actual white nationalists and reactionaries often implicated in shootings are by conventional and uniformly understood positions on this, in the far-right sphere of the equation.

>If they go on a shooting spree and/or rape children they are neither conservatives nor right-wing.

No reason to believe this whatsoever. Complete and utter horseshit.

Fascist fuckface.


You just confirmed that you don’t know what a right-winger is other than what the internet tells you.


I did no such thing. Why is your proposed definition of right-winger accurate?


"Our shooter is identified by a driver's license as Genesee Moreno 36 years old, Hispanic female. There are some discrepancies," HPD's Commander of Homicide Christopher Hassig said at a press conference. "We do have reports she used multiple aliases, including Jeffrey Escalante. So she has utilized both male and female names but through all of our investigation to this point, talking with individuals, interviews, documents, Houston Police Department reports, she has been identified this entire time as female."

At this point she's about as male as a guy who makes a female character in World of Warcraft is a female.


The news only IDs trans people as such when they do something positive. When a trans kills someone, they are just called insane.


This is yet another baseless claim without evidence, for it was immediately reported last year that the trans-shooter in that school was in fact trans.


these tranny shooters are out of control now, it's becoming a weekly event. the left have blood on their hands too, with their radicalization of them all to turn them into voters.

sick as it gets.


There's a single documented event where we know the shooter was trans. There's no evidence in this event that this woman was trans. Even if it was revealed that she was, it wouldn't mean it was happening "every week". That would raise it to 2.

You are, as usual, lying.


Great.. Another scumbag asswipe who can't differentiate between male & female.. Same thing for the Nashville Shooter and how she tried to be a "He" and failed miserably.. It's male & female.. That's it!! You can't just Gender swap at the drop of a dime and not expect some psychological repercussions over it.. People like this need a shrink


"Our shooter is identified by a driver's license as Genesee Moreno 36 years old, Hispanic female. There are some discrepancies," HPD's Commander of Homicide Christopher Hassig said at a press conference. "We do have reports she used multiple aliases, including Jeffrey Escalante. So she has utilized both male and female names but through all of our investigation to this point, talking with individuals, interviews, documents, Houston Police Department reports, she has been identified this entire time as female."

At this point she's about as male as a guy who makes a female character in World of Warcraft is a female.


But the Democrat media rectum at ABCNNBCBS told us it was a MAGA country agent of chaos. Oh who should I believe? Reality, or the rectum.


it's happening daily, cage them for their own good.


I see you continue to express fascist rhetoric.
