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The Grand Illusion

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣What a moron!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

The Trump campaign paid Drake Enterprises, a non-union auto parts shop in Clinton Township, $20,000 to stage a fake event with people holding up "Union Members for Trump" signs behind him to make it look like he was holding a rally with union auto workers on strike. During the rally, he rambled nonsense that if he wasn't elected the entire American auto industry was going to move to China.

Reporters interviewing attendees at the rally learned that virtually none of the people holding signs belonged to any union - they were just told to hold them behind Trump while he spoke. Some participants interviewed said that they did not see any striking workers in attendance.

Now, we learn that the entire thing was a paid, fake production from the Trump campaign, just like everything else they do.


An effin lot of the stuff that we see from Republicans are fake.
They became totally fake well before Trump began turning it
around and charging the media with fake-news.

A lot more about our society, country, economy, and legal
system is fake too.

The first thing we should do to start to reform our country is
to demand that all people get access to the truth, and access
to an intelligent explanation and dicussion of the data, problems
and how to prioritize and fix them.

That leaves Republicans kind of on the sidelines, so of course
they want to break the government, make sure it doesn't work,
and put fake people in office to dress up our windows.


Yah, lefties can agitate much better. 🚩​🤘🏽​


I would not agree with that.


That doesn't surprise me. 😽​👨‍🚒​


GOP is supposed to pay better. Do you get more than minimum wage?


Yep...but I don't work for the GOP.

Aiiiiiiii!!!...USA just crashed with the double-Bob (wintersport).
Pooohhhh, leastwise nobody seems to be seriously injured.
Was looking dangerous.


AntiFa are the masters of provocation and agitation.


The only Grand Illusion is the one created by your media, politicians, and celebrities...and you live inside of it with ignorant bliss...


This is the most truthful post of the day..


So Trump spending $20,000 to stage a fake event doesn't bother you?

Of course not! As a loyal sycophant your orange master can do no wrong...

And you think we're the ones in a cult? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The leftoids are always claiming that Trump is infamous for not paying his contractors and workers but somehow he conveniently pays them to stage an event, which is it? LMAO.
