Trump is completely stable
Don't believe the lies the libtards tell you. There's nothing wrong with his mentality at all.
shareDon't believe the lies the libtards tell you. There's nothing wrong with his mentality at all.
shareRegardless of whatever tactics or spin he is using to stay in your guy's heads, he is a weak vulnerable figure with tons of disgusting and criminally-minded behavior. I think his supporters are essentially anarchists. He doesn't inspire any sort of confidence in the market, or in foreign diplomacy, or really anything else. Representatives that campaign with him don't even vote to tighten the border, the issue they push in the media for the better part of a decade, just so this spray-tanned moron can have another thing to raise folk's blood pressure about at a rally. Deplorable tactics.
He serves only to give Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, etc, some high fives and deposits in their Swiss Bank accounts while they, in turn, enrich his properties. No respect for the working man. Plus, you just know there are other Jeffrey Epstein's in the chain who are still catering the same services to the same clientale. Who owns that private island now? One of the greatest things about America is gone if we are labeled an isolationist and oligarchial culture. Consider this your Biden campaign literature for the day. Lets go Dark Brandon!
V Biden/Harris 2024
Your delusions are very strong..
Hard to believe that there are voters out there who are still wanting Biden for another 4 years of incompetence, economic failures and chronic war mongering that is destroying the West.
Those who are still voting for Biden should be selected for any wars and conflicts under his regime.
share"Not being crazy" is a pretty low bar for the job of President.
Personally speaking a moronic egomaniac with the mentality of an 8 year old , who is only pursuing the role to save face like the keyboard warriors we see here on MC who dont know when to let go bickering like idiots for 1000 post threads ,
... is not suitable.
And yet, here you are.
shareLiberals have this really strange thing where they can't allow themselves to notice things it's scary.
I mean they told us in 2016 that if trump became president that he would tank the economy, he would invade greece and start world world 3. turns out the economy improved and he was the only president in decades not to start a war.
Biden tanks the economy and there is war all over the place. yet liberals don't notice that, you would have thought they'd learn, that they'd notice their predictions were insanely wrong and the other way around.
But right now they're back to saying "if trump wins in november they're be world world 3"
Libs ignore common sense, logic, reasoning, and rationality by replacing them with feelings, emotions, and fantasy.
It is not surprising that they have everything backwards or inverted.
Agreed. Nothing chabged about trump. He is as mentally unstable as he has ever been
shareOh, yes...he's a self-described "stable genius!" 😂