MovieChat Forums > Politics > Give us your tired, your poor, your hung...

Give us your tired, your poor, your hungry...

That wasn't what the statue was all about, someone else wrote that later on so it wasn't the intent of the statue from the beginning but Dems keep using that as a phrase to invite every 3rd world poor.

Emma Lazarus was an activist so you know where that was going.


"... but Dems keep using that as a phrase to invite every 3rd world poor."

I have to correct you here. Both Republicans and Democrats have supported immigration because it helps grow the economy, provides workers and populates the country for future growth.

Newly arrived immigrants usually faced discrimination from bigots whether they were Irish, Italian, German, Jewish, Swedish, Hispanic, Asian, Muslim, etc.. Haters are going to hate. You can read the immigration laws, policies and Supreme Court decisions over the centuries to see the pattern of discrimination.

Recently, Trump made it popular to attack immigration whereas until recently the Republican party always supported it. Similar to his attacking mail-in voting when the Republican party used it the most to great advantage before Democrats copied their strategy.

Trump is a retarded mess! His policies hurt the economy. Right now, there is a shortage of workers. Fewer immigrants lead to a lower GDP. Immigrants also start businesses at a greater rate than native born. We also need them to support Social Security and Medicaid for the millions of retiring workers who had paid into the programs.

Don't buy into Trump's xenophobic rant when he hired illegals, his wife worked illegally and he supported chain immigration for his wife's family after he condemned it for others.


Why do 3rd world countries get to empty their prisons of murderers and rapists and send them to our southern border?



Why do ignorant bigots always stereotype immigrants?



The question had nothing to do with stereotyping. Do you ever answer seriously or candidly?!


"3rd world countries get to empty their prisons of murderers and rapists"
"nothing to do with stereotyping"

You believe stereotypes. Not a good look.


True but the Rubes support it more on the quiet end. They're not openly advocating for it on the news and such hence why we only get clips from AOC or Pelosi or Nadler, etc.

As for illegal migration, I am for controlled migration, not unfettered. Right now you have a situation where the inflow outpaces the system that can handle them so you get mass tent camps to taking over buildings/schools/etc. or just on the street in general. It's turning a situation that was meant to integrate into something that is just exasperating the poor population along with the exploitation that comes with it. If you have the Cartel involved with this influx then it just becomes trafficking as well. Even Canada has a 'similar' situation via their international students and are now putting a cap on it.


Republican-controlled Congress funds and writes immigration legislation which they are refusing to do in order to use the border as ammunition against Biden in an election year. They're also preventing military appointments, not funding defense-related operations, not adequately funding immigration courts and other inaction which harm our national security.

"illegal migration"
That's not illegal. Seeking asylum is legal under both national and international law.

I'll agree with you that there are people who are taking advantage by skipping the line and going the asylum route instead of through the immigration process.

But, there are other issues driving the migrant numbers. The problem is two-fold:
1. U.S. foreign sanctions and military policies create instability which causes mass migration.
2. Refusal by politicians to cooperate with each other for fear of making the other party look good.

Our government was set-up for cooperation in order to solve problems. Party before country is destroying the U.S..


Flood the country with poor and make them citizens. The VAST majority will vote Socialist/Democrat. This is the alleged conspiracy theory called Replacement.. exactly.

Another so called conspiracy theory now TRUTH. The Democrats are the true insurrectionists and are persecuting all American patriots for exactly what they do.
