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Chris Christie drops out

Kind of makes me sad to hear CC dropping out. He is one of a very few in the GOP who can be an honest moderate and can stand up to Trump. Too bad.


Christie was a Trump ally. He has no credibility.




I wouldn't fear for the future if CC got in. So it's between Biden & Trump, or Haley, or DeSantis. I think Haley can beat Biden. DeSantis would be totally boring if he didn't try to act like a tough guy all the time & that's starting to get stale too. I'm not sure who would win Biden vs DeSantis. Biden can beat Trump again but surprises happen.


why did you leave out RFK jr?


Haley is anti-abortion so that can hurt her with women especially with Republican desire to make it illegal nationally including for medical reasons.


Ron DeSantis is anti-abortion too. It's a losing issue for the Republicans. I think Haley can beat Biden bc she's younger & a female POC. From most evil to least: Trump, DeSantis, Haley, Christie.


I agree with your evilness rank. Biden and a true Senate and Congressional Democratic-majority are needed to move forward.


He's a typical tax-cutting, deregulating, union-busting, commons-selling POS. It's gotten to the point today that you can be called a moderate if you just say you don't believe in the Jews' wildfire-starting space laser...


That's pretty close on the Repubican side. But the Democrats are so gutless. like the question of why did they wait for years to do all this legal stuff with Trump? He should have been behind bars and obviously unable to run for President.


Christie is not honest or moderate. He's a first class swamp creature. All the RINO's you assholes say are "moderate" are swamp critters. You just really have a 'thing' for corrupt establishment politicians. Mass psychosis and Stockholm syndrome.


I find those who talk as you are here to be the nuts who claim they speak for Republicans and you support all the real wackos and expect to be taken seriously.


CraigC is correct.


Kind of makes me sad to hear CC dropping out

Um... if you even noticed he was "running" in the first place that shows you're the kind of idiot everyone should avoid.,


You want to claim I'm an idiot for noticing Chris Christie was running? Really, for keeping up with the news about the insurgent party? Why do you even bother.


"the insurgent party"?

That sounds like the name of a pretentious play, not a phrase a sane person would use in a conversation.


3/3 moronic comments complete with pointless insults.


No pointless is you getting out of your bed (if you actually do)


He was the only candidate to try to deprogram the Trump cultists.


Aren't you the one who's spent every single day since 2021 sitting here talking about Trump?

And you claim other people are the "cultists"? What a dork


Why don't you shut up with the screwball insults


Because they're true?


I excuse you, you're in deep with the cult.
It will take years to deprogram you...., best of luck


He was the only candidate to try to deprogram the Trump cultists.

Yes we know. He has told us multiple times. Apparently you are the type of person that believes anything that you hear on tv.


Let me guess..., you're a Trump cultist who believes his lies?


Nope, I just think his claim that “he’s the one only one” is laughable, considering the majority of the main stream media, and most of social media is anti trump. He’s just trying to do the same thing in conservative spaces, that’s it.


The "only one" running for Prez.


Lock up the doughnuts.


It is sad that Christie could not lose at least some weight. No one really wants a morbidly obese guy as President ... that is, unless Donald Trump is the alternative.


His entire campaign was run on TDS. I’m not even sure where he stands any any other issue. Standing up to Trump is pretty meaningless. If you want people to vote for you, you have to let to establish yourself and let people know who you are. Once you get past Trump, it would be all you for 4 years, then what?


Why call legitimate opposition hatred for an incompetent corrupt insurgent President some kind of fancy made up name?

Christie tried to explain to dumbass Trump about the Presidential transition, but Dementia John Trump could not understand it so he caused all kinds of problems. There are plenty of books written on this. Instead Trump ingored, insulted, and parted ways with Christie who was the only one of Trump's team who had any inkling of a clue about the office and institution.

If you don't know what Christie stood for, that's on you. You don't care. You're too busy following every dumbass thing Trump said, like about the airports in the Revolutionary war.


No it’s his fault that people don’t know what he stands for. It’s not productive to just run a smear campaign. If he wants to take support away from Trump, the way to do that is provide people with a better option, and he is not it. The only people supporting Christie, or Nikki Haley are people that are looking to anti vote Trump.


Or maybe he had leftover campaign funds and just wanted to try
to get through to MAGA-Republicans and any non-MAGA-Republicans
left the whole Trump scam. I think he knew he could not win.

He wanted to use what little he had to poke Trump in the eye.

> The only people supporting Christie, or Nikki Haley are people that are looking to anti vote Trump.

Of which there should be millions more.


well, maybe hundreds


hundreds of millions
