>>>Repeatedly lingering the camera on the crying man was distasteful and exploitive.<<<
I thought it was heartfelt, his situation felt quite real to me. Abu Muntasir has spoken out in other public settings about his time as an angry radical, fighting in various wars. I see a lot of similarities between him and your average Palestinian that feels the need to join Hamas.
Hamas is a very angry group, that's leading by emotion rather than facts. You see, we live in a democracy, at least I think we are, not sure where you live. We openly welcome the exchange of ideas and opinions, Hamas doesn't do this, they just express anger and hate very similar to what Muntasir went through.
Many of them are incels that feel out of place, which does make me wonder why they even move to western nations. They would fit in a little better in an Arab country.
But whatever their reason is, they're easily manipulated into committing some rather awful acts against non-combatants and other Muslims too, I suppose I would have more empathy for their cause if they weren't hell bent on killing innocent people. Strapping a bomb to your body and walking into a cafe and blowing yourself up and taking the lives of innocent people with you is a real turn-off. I just have no empathy or sympathy for them, not to mention, Israel has been dealing with attacks like this for 70+ years.... good lord, it's amazing that Israel has shown this much restraint.
At any rate, here's a link to Muntasir speaking to a large crowd about his experience as a radical. It's not much different than what he says in the doc but again, its kind of interesting...
I'll check out Cult of the Suicide Bomber too.. Thanks for the link...