There will always be a dealer once the addict is created. The dealer is an addicted too, addicted to money. If it isn't China some other poor countries citizens will take up manufacturing this product. The real criminals are the ones giving pills to little children not the ones serving full blown addicts who are already lost.
If you want to see who to blame for the ADDICTION we must look inwards at our own big pharma cartels and the corrupt complicit doctors who pushed there deadly products onto the innocent unsuspecting masses we in-trusted them to keep safe. Doctors and Big Pharma are also addicted to money just like the Chinese Fent manufacturers. Addicts making addicts to fund there own addictions...
and yes demonrats are no help taking away plastic straws from kiddos but giving free plastic needles to junkies. san fran is a shit, piss, and aids needle infested hellscape