Us reasonable leftists need to separate from these extremist woke nutjobs and join progressive centrism.
The ladies drunk driving. Got treated with respect and what does she say?
“You being a white officer triggers me”
“As a non binary person you misgendering is causing anxiety”
“As an indigenous suffering from inter generational trauma”
“You white ass motherf@$&&@r”
Clearly we have nut jobs on their site on the left who I’ve called out who promote and defend this perpetual victimhood. They are giving all us leftists a bad name and we need to formally separate from these “victimhood leftists”. I can support minority and LGBT rights without prescribing to this mental illness.
Also defending billion dollar companies like Disney who do Mcwoke fake divisive media controversy to get more coverage for their newest live action of marvel film/ doesn’t make you an ally for human rights or on the left: It makes you a corporate pawn shilling for the most surface level obvious manipulation by a huge company