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Nimrods in Florida want to indoctrinate kids that Africans benefitted from slavery?

Any of you racists here want to defend that?



They kinda did, in a way. Have you been to Africa? Any black billionaires in Africa? Any Africans sitting on their asses collecting a welfare check? Any Africans getting their education paid for just because they're black?


Would repercussions be considered a benefit?

Would living in America be a benefit?

Many blacks today are thankful their ancestors made the sacrifice as a slave, because they would never have been born in America
And they say they never would want to be born in Africa.



Living in America might have been a benefit - if they weren't slaves. How did the slaves benefit from learning skills from their owners?


I already answered that question.


Their bodies benefitted from passing on stronger muscle tissue which is a benefit in the sports world.

Not too long ago scientist were trying to prove blacks were a sub species , different then modern human who were weaker

So they should not be allowed to compete in the Olympics


Is odd to see the Party of Freedom saying that slavery was good.


I'd like to see what context this is being presented. Because sometimes the left wing hysteria is just that, an over reaction or trying to get people riled up.

For example, let's say, it is being presented, that some slaves were able to learn skilled trades and were able to take with them those skills to earn a living on their own. Like blacksmith or some such.

But the Left's reaction to this, if they weren't slaves, they wouldn't be learning these skills in the first place! How racist!

Whereas, I would see it as just stating a fact because somehow they evolved and many succeeded despite the burdens also after slavery.

Another article example, the Ocoee massacre. Someone stated it gives the impression that violence from the black people sparked it.

But what if it was presented as, during the violence, two white people were killed, which further enraged the posse to retaliate worse. I looked it up but have only scanned through but presenting a timeline of how events unfolded is being factual.

But the Left's reaction to this, you're blaming the black people for their massacre! Not true, and you can see by their actions what they did to the entire community does not fit any crime, and the killings were in a self defense against an onslaught. But in mentioning this, they are stating how things happened.

I do think the Left over-hypes to politically benefit themselves. But I'd like to see the context so there's no assumption.

The methods of CRT are very toxic as it imposes undeservedly negative feelings both sides and every child should be able to learn history while maintaining a positive self image and that of his classmates.

I did. I had found one of my papers from 3rd grade at my parents' house, with statements I had written about slavery and I think sharecropping, this was the 70's. So it was done without ill effects on my psyche but yet, no doubt that slavery and mistreatments were wrong.


You could probably look up the curriculum. But your supposition about slaves learnings skills that could help them is what I've got from it. And that is what others here are asserting. And that is an absurd notion. Slaves were taught skills so they could benefit their masters. Their labor wasn't their own. They weren't allowed to leave the plantation and earn a living in their own. If they tried that they were were hinted down and returned to their owner or lynched if they were too rebellious.


If the question is what happened after slavery, then describing what some of the things the former slaves were able to do is certainly appropriate. It's a given understanding that their training all happened during enslavement. Some went into sharecropping, some that had been trained in certain trades were able to do so after slavery. What makes you think a child wouldn't understand that as I did?

There seems to be a difference in rationality here because there's really no other way to state what work they did that is their own after slavery.


The other part of the curriculum about how Black people contributed to violence against them is also abhorrent but I want addressing that here.


A chronological timeline in the manner I presented does not implicate guilt on one side you are supposing. It explains how things happened and the massacre was mentioned in the article you posted. To me, you would prefer an omission of that timeline but it wouldn't be telling the whole story how they used that event as an excuse for what they did.


Regarding what you said about CRT imposing negative feelings - I think you should apply your own standard of understanding the CRT curriculum and understanding where it is taught (law schools, generally) and where it isn't taught (K-12 public schools) before assuming things about it.

Regarding guilt - you cannot make somebody else feel guilty. Guilt yes an internal reaction. If somebody feels guilty they should examine why they feel that way.


The lefties keep saying that CRT is not taught in K-12 BUT it actually is. CRT is more of a framework for presenting various topics. The lesson plan will not say CRT but the teacher can present any lesson through the CRT lens. The 1619 project is a history article presented through the CRT lens.


I've seen the materials for CRT as well as many school board meetings of disturbed and outraged parents, many of which are minorities themselves, who have also seen the materials their child was learning at school or at home as well as the exercises.

It's almost like a method acting that CRT wants these kids to go through so it's more than learning this history but they must FEEL either guilt or as a victim now. Again, this is a toxic way of learning history that no child should have to endure. I'm glad many are ditching this.

It wasn't there when I learned and it's not needed now.


May I see a copy of these educational standards? And no matter how bad it may be it’s at least not as bad as that radical race and gender theory you want to brainwash children with.


if it wasn't for slavery they would still be in Africa, living in mud huts without a pot to piss in...


That's what you think Africa is like today? Typical white supremacist idea


the warlords who have an army of child soldiers are doing ight


What does that have to with the claim that slaves benefitted from slavery?


A claim NOT being made in florida.


From the National Review, which strangely is arguing that this passage doesn't exist and that Kamala Harris is lying for saying that passage exists.

"Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit."


I don't know if I-P is trolling or what. He/she keeps giving us the quote which proves that slaves benefiting from slavery is not being taught. Slaves benefited from skills they learned not slavery is what the quote tells us.


It is a form of propaganda. Even though the excerpt clearly does NOT say what he says it does, the simply act of constantly making these kinds of racist and divisive accusations,

serves the purpose of tearing America apart and associating in the minds of everyday americans, the most stupid and racist shit, with the GOP, due to repetition, despite all the repetitions being complete bullshit.

It is an effective technique. THe only downside, is that it requires the person doing it, to be utterly soulless, ie actively and knowingly working towards ill intent to his fellow man, without any concern about honesty or human decency or shame.

I say "downside" but for lefties like I-P, they were already there, so it's just another day.


Slaves cold benefit from skills learned as a slave to buy their freedom.

Craftsmen: Slaves that were skilled in a particular craft such as carpentry or as blacksmiths were allowed to undertake jobs after they finished their own work, and keep the money


Considering they were supposed to be erasing black history in Florida they are certainly teaching quite a bit.

Here's the FULL Florida curriculum that is falsely being described by @VP and others as pro-slavery. Among other things, it covers the "harsh conditions" of slavery, as well as the "service and sacrifice of African patriots during the Revolutionary Era."

Florida’s State Academic
Standards –
Social Studies, 2023
