Democrat voters and their blind love....
Trump supporters support him because of logic....
If trump had high border crossing statistics and said he wasnt for a wall. He would not have the support of the general public.
If gas prices were crazy high under trump, you would not find him as popular.
You would never see a trump supporter defend trump's high border crossings if there were any. Why, because people see trump truly wanted to secure the border.
He worked to get wall finance anywhere he could and Democrats blocked all of it.
When wall funding was out,. Trump came up with remain in Mexico. It was cheap and effective. It made Mexico pay their fair share by hosting migrants. Huge strain on Mexico.
Then you have the weird Democrat voters..... their blind love for a Biden is beyond strange. They have nothing good to say about him...there are no positive statistics to back anything up.
If you grade a Biden border, crime, inflation rates, gas prices...its clear F across the board...there is no debating it...which is why Democrat avoid debates now
They just depend on their weird bling loving followers....they are so blind it gets so weird.
Liberal girl, loves Biden, hates trump. She plays sports and you ask her if she believes boys should be able to compete against girls in sports?
She responds like a logical person as says no, she wants them separate, its clearly not fair...completely logical.
Then you tell her well your vote for Biden will inact something you are against.
And then its um, oh, ahh
Trump bad , Biden good, still voting for Biden. Here is someone so blindly in love with Biden she will vote for a party that rolls out policy she is personally against.
The whole theft issue and stores closings.
Democrat prosecutors and Democrats in general have a new mentality where they do not want to charge for theft. They say do not stop these people, they actually punish people who intervene.
And when you ask Biden voters if theft should be punishable, they say yes.
And when you explain to them how their vote for no cash bail and prosecutors refusing to charge for theft does not charge for theft, they glitch out.
But, but um, trump bad.
Have to vote Democrat ....
These people crazy....