MovieChat Forums > Politics > Can a trans activist please answer this ...

Can a trans activist please answer this question:

Why do you think we had men’s and women’s sports to begin with?

If your answer is just another question or “I’m not a biologist” or an accusation that I’m strawmanning by asking a question please do not respond.

Thank you very much.


Technically we don't. We have Sports, and Women's Sports. No women are barred from competing against Men in US sports.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


The question still remains.


B1cKsurN answered your question. He's right:

"American Girls Join Boys Football Team"

"Toni Stone, first woman to play in a men's major baseball league"

I'd like to see a film about her.


Why is there a WNBA, a women’s division in swimming, a women’s division in track, cross country, etc?


B1cKsurN answered your question.


No answer I see, well it was worth a shot. Guessing you’re too afraid to speak the truth.


LOL! You're such a troll.

And B1cKsurN still answered your question.


And I replied and reclarified the question. If you’re going to troll my thread please stop responding, thank you.


B1cKsurN answered your question perfectly. You're just hardheaded.


Please stop trolling my thread, it’s clear you have no interested in answering the question. Thank you.


You're welcome.

B1cKsurN answered your question perfectly and I pointed that out.

We both replied. But, you refuse to accept both replies because you prefer trolling and hatemongering.

I will pray for you. 🙏

Please, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, open Moviechatuser497's heart to love, understanding and tolerance for his neighbors. Help him learn that it's not his place to judge and condemn. Bring the light of your everlasting love into his heart. Amen.


Except you didn’t even give me an answer and I asked a follow up to B1cksurN which was also not answered. Please stop trolling my thread and go pray to your imaginary god, thank you.


You're trolling. I'm attempting to help you.

You need to ask B1cksurN yourself if you're too simple to understand the obvious.

Your false god and cult leader Trump sends his blessings to you!


I read his reply and it didn’t answer the question. Apparently you’re too much of a coward to answer it as well.

And nothing was more pathetic than the Obama shirts everyone wore in 2009. Hell the libtards were naming schools after the son of a bitch before he even took office.


His reply was excellent.

Further assistance for you:

You're welcome!


I asked why there were men's and women's sports. Saying that there are some sports that don't separate men and women isn't an answer. I never said that all sports were separated by gender.


That's not what he wrote.

You're welcome.


I should be patient with you, reading comprehension and logic aren’t really your thing.


I think women can be prevented from competing against men if there is an option for them to compete against other women. For example if a high school has a male and female basketball team. But if there no option, like Football, they have to be allowed to at least try out. Title IX guarantees an equal opportunity, but it doesn't necessarily mean all opportunities have to be open. I doubt anyone would complain about it anyway, since it would only allow women to try out, it wouldn't guarantee them a spot on the team.


There are literally no restrictions for women to compete against men...most of the time, they just cannot make the cut.

We had a girl on one of out Freshman football teams in the 1990s... she didn't make it to sophomore year unfortunately.

Same with wrestling, we had numerous girls competing against the boys.

Men have no issues with a women on their teams as long as they are capable players. Now, if they are forced to play with incapable women...that's when issues arise.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


That was my experience as well. I played against a few girls in football, and I’ve seen girls on the wresting team as well, but those are still examples where there isn’t a women’s only team.

If you look at title IX laws, they aren’t so clear cut, and it’s not necessarily a violation to not allow women to compete on men’s teams. However it probably never comes up, because as you said, most of the time they are unlikely to make the cut. I actually went to school with an outlier. A Freshman girl that was good enough to play on the boys varsity basketball team. She also played girls softball and volleyball. She was a pretty amazing athlete.


At the end of the day, if women have been given an option to compete against each other without men, then unfortunately, transwomen will have to remain in the "mens" leagues.

Becoming a women is not supposed to be a PED.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Whether or not there are sports that are coed is irrelevant to the question. Whether or not there are women who play football is irrelevant to the question. I never asserted that all sports are segregated by gender, I said there were sports that were segregated by gender, why do we do that?


Your question was answered, albeit indirectly.

most of the time, they just cannot make the cut.

Without women’s only sports, only the top female athletes would be able to make the men’s teams, and those chances would go down as the skill goes up. Which would only make things worse.


OK so since biological men have an advantage as you just said, doesn’t that mean that Lia Thomas has a biological advantage over the women he’s competing against? All he did was put a dress and a women’s swimsuit on. That biological advantage is still there.


I'd like to know how this Tweet from Lance Armstrong can be considered an attack on the Trans community along with transphobic and hateful.


I'd like to know why we care about what the "Trans community" thinks?

They use terms in the extreme like "phobia" and "hate" even though they know darn well that is ill defined. Phobia indicates an irrational fear, which it isn't, and hate is the tail end of an extreme dislike. It's all very childish.

Stop caring about their words so we keep up the concern against this instead of cowering in a corner over names.

I dare say nobody cared about transsexuals until this bombardment on children and infringement on women and girls' sports and privacy. The line needs to stay drawn no matter how much the mainstream media and the institutions rail.


"I dare say nobody cared about transsexuals until this bombardment on children and infringement on women and girls' sports and privacy. The line needs to stay drawn no matter how much the mainstream media and the institutions rail."

I sometimes get the feeling they know it's wrong and the primary goal is to rile up their political opponents. When they voice their opinions then they scream homophobe, transphobe, bigot etc to demonize their political opponents.


Yes, I've heard it called, an Alinsky tactic, "Rules for Radicals".

I think the globalists are pushing this not only to rile the two sides like the abortion/gay marriage did, but also for population control due to their obsession with "Climate Change". I heard one of them say they want the earth's population down to 1 billion! Anyway, obviously those who undergo sex change won't be able to reproduce. Those with past traumas or weak minds influenced by the power of suggestion are susceptible, hence, the rapid rise in gender dysphoria. I've recently seen some stories from parents and even the kids affected. Social media plays a big part, one reported how it started in the classroom, a teacher telling young kids they can be many types of genders. This is why we want this "education" out. It seems once the child finds the trans community, they suck them in like a cult. A child that doesn't have much social sense of belonging will feel accepted with the positive feedback. It is a cult.
