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White man in tears after he calls cops on a black man.

Leave you alone and he moves on to some other family and stabs them to death?

This man was in the park with his family and a homeless black man threatened to stab them all to death. So the guy called the police who showed up and arrested the man for brandishing a weapon and making threats.


Officer: I'll need you to fill out a statement form.

Guy: I don't want him arrested, I just want him to leave us alone.

Officer: Yeah, but he had a weapon on him and made terrorist threats.

Guy: Brandishing is not a crime with a knife, brandishing is only a crime with a gun.

Officer: Terroristic threats though, sir.

Guy: Because he said "die" to me and had his knife out?

Officer: All that was done. The threats, everything.

Guy: If I thought you were gonna arrest him I would never have called. I just wanted him to leave us alone.

Guy: [Through tears] Now he's gonna think I'm doing this because I'm white and he's black! Or he's homeless and I'm not! I don't want that!

Officer: Did he do what he did?

Guy: [Still crying] Yeah! But I don't want him thinking I did it because he's in whatever situation he's in. I just want him to leave us alone.


Frankly I am nothing like this guy. If a guy threatens me with a knife, I'm calling the cops and having the guy arrested by the cops. And I don't care what race he is. Anyone who threatens to hurt someone with a knife should be put in prison.


Perfect example how CRT indoctrination works. BUT MUH BLACK HISTORY they say, uh huh, more like turn White Liberal Males into betas, hating their own skin color and self, feeling constantly oppressed on how others may be more oppressed than them, white fragility/shame, etc.


I'd bet he has bought in to the nonsense that once in the hands of the racist police the black man will end up dead. Part of the narrative we see out there such as the so called "Central Park Karen" is that when calling 911 on a black person the cops will show up and just shoot the black person.


Lmfao! That video is so pathetic. What a loser.


That man is weak, and that weakness can get himself and his family hurt.


I watched the whole video below and the other guy seemed pretty calm. I think the cops could have let him off with a warning BUT some of those cops are hardasses who want to meet their monthly arrest/ticket quotas. I think the other guy might have been justified to pull out his knife when the family guy and his buddy went over to confront him. * 11 minute video *


Your link is really good. That homeless guy is extremely calm and coherent. Taking both stories into account:

I think the homeless guy was minding his own business. I notice the kids were playing near him while the two adults were far. Kids taunted him by calling him "fa**o**" and homeless guy told them to leave him alone. Now, white guy gets involved and both men argue.

Notice how the cops give more weight to the white guy's story and ignores his threat with a gun and the likelihood that the kids likely started the trouble. Implicit bias.

I believe the white guy knows the black guy was initially minding his own business and the kids started messing with him. I believe the tears are from guilt. And his awareness of the privileged way he was treated compared to the homeless guy.


I don't believe it was firmly established that the other guy was homeless but he did have a backpack and another large bag. I think the kids were mouthing off and the dads naturally assumed that their kids could do no wrong.

The cops did do a good job of questioning both sides BUT I still think she got it wrong. I would consider this to be an example of implicit bias if the cops didn't get both sides of the story. I don't think the cops' determinations were based on race since both cops were black. Parents with kids will get more respect in these situations. Single men should avoid sitting near playground equipment in order to avoid suspicion AND they should never expect mobs of children to be quiet.


Playgrounds in several cities fence-off playgrounds and forbid adults without kids from entering.

Kids either mouthed-off or were just noisy. I can't tell if the black man has mental health issues. The white man said his kids had a right to play there. True. But, if the black man is mentally ill and sensitive to noise, I would've left him alone and moved elsewhere.

Black people can have implicit bias against blacks too, but I believe these cops tried to be fair.

The woman cop made a comment near the end about that's why it happened while looking at something. We don't have the full story.

It would've made more sense to take the black man to a place where he could receive help instead of jail. You made a good point about quotas. Too much profit is tied to arrests.


Violence doesn't care about skin color.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Maybe he should break him out of prison and bring him his wife to rape.


Americans criminalize mental illness!

It's obvious that the homeless man needs psychiatric help and a stabile environment.

The OP & co. can't figure out that not everyone should be thrown in prison which is cruel, unhelpful and backward. Where are the homeless outreach services?


Part of the reason i find the white guys tears and attitude ridiculous is because this guy can be evaluated in regard to his mental health.


I watched the entire 11 minute video and my opinion changed after listening to both sides.

I believe the white guy is crying from guilt because the homeless guy was likely minding his business and the little kids started messing with him by calling him names. Homeless guy told them to leave him alone and the white guy and he argued.

Black guy had a pocket knife, but the white guy threatened him with a gun.

White guy played the white privilege card by calling the cops when he knows the kids were messing with the homeless guy. Notice he's upset about being mistaken for being a racist and having money. He knows what he did was wrong.

BTW, the homeless guy said he wanted the white guy to call the cops. That's not something he would have said if he felt like he was the troublemaker.

This reminds me of Central Park Karen.


We see two men giving their side of the story. Saw no evidence of a gun. Black guy had a knife and admitted that he did. Black guy said white guy pulled something from his pocket but said he can barely see because he uses glasses. The white guy denied it. Nobody knows how it all started. "Central Park Karen" is an example of black privilege.


Did you watch the 11-minute video? I just watched it a second time and there's a few things that I noticed.

My previous viewpoint is only based on the homeless guy being mentally stable. But what if he's mentally ill?

Some mentally ill are delusional and can find others to be a threat and have low tolerance for noise and people coming near them.

There are plenty of mentally ill homeless where I live. Everyone knows to leave them alone and never walk too close because they are unpredictable.

Would you allow your small kids to play near a homeless guy?

Never mind the white guy's crying. He's extremely stupid, entitled and self-involved. The homeless guy could've been bothered by their noise or was hallucinating their noise as taunts.

Basically, the entitled white guy demanded the mentally ill guy act normally. He didn't call the cops because he felt threatened. He said he wanted them to make him stop yelling. But, the yelling was likely provoked by their noise.

It would've made more sense for them to move and sit farther from the homeless guy just to be safe. Instead dopey decides to get into a pissing match.

I brought up Central Park Karen because the situation is similar. Both called the cops to get their way. It was entitlement. He knows his reason for calling was wrong which is why he cries. And I'm sure he is a racist and classist since HE brings it up.

BTW, the white man admitted he mentioned a gun. Only reason is to threaten.


Again, we have two sides to a story. I don't what happened to kick it all off. You seem to be making a lot of assumptions. You said the kids mouthed off or were just noisy. We don't know that. If want to make assumptions, you could say it doesn't make sense for this guy out with his family on his fiancé birthday to start trouble or escalate things. Another assumption is that it's more likely for a mentally ill homeless guy to kick things off and act all crazy. You could say he mentioned a gun as a threat but if could also have been as a deterrent as there was a knife pulled out.

As for "Central Park Karen" I believe she was well within her rights to call the cops.


I watched the full video. It's too bad the cops couldn't just separate them, it seems like a he said / he said, but you don't park yourself next to a playground and picnic shelter and expect peace and quiet. It doesn't matter if you are there first, so bench guy would have needed to go. Unfortunately, he didn't have the insight to realize that before the cops arrived and removed himself but he probably has issues or this wouldn't have happened.


Can't tell for sure who is in the right. Maybe something happened that we don't see in the video. It's getting some media attention that it didn't get before. Newsweek has reached out so maybe we'll find out something.

Newsweek has contacted Doraville Police Department via email for comment.


Racist Central Park Karen had herself arrested since she was breaking the law.

She was fired, sued, lost the lawsuit and lost the appeal. Her crime inspired a New York law for falsely reporting criminal incidents against protected groups of people—including race, gender, and religion—to be a hate crime. And she's nationally known for the racist that she is.

Meanwhile, the birdwatcher has been given a TV show on National Geographic as host of a bird watching program and has written a book.

Extraordinary Birder with Christian Cooper show

Better Living Through Birding: Notes From a Black Man in the Natural World book


That's what I mean by black privilege. He threatened a woman alone in an isolated area and she has her life ruined and he gets rewarded.


No threat since she was arrested for making a false police report. You should stop defending her since she's a racist, dog-abusing criminal.

Everyone dislikes her except you.


There was a threat made and Mr. Cooper admitted to it. It's on his original Facebook post about the incident. It's amazing that a large man can say to a woman alone in an isolated area that he is going to do something to her that she is not going to like, and he becomes the victim because he is black.


Central Park isn't an isolated area. Her dog was a danger to the public and birds.

You're defending a racist criminal.


So many people everywhere and Central Park so congested that there's never been a murder, rape or mugging ever in Central Park. Article hear on crime after woman raped in Central Park and how feel unsafe yet Amy Cooper isn't supposed to feel unsafe or call the cops after being threatened by a large man in Central Park.


You're the only one supporting the racist lying woman.


I'm simply stating facts. She was threatened by the black man. He admitted to what he said to her.


Not assumptions. All you have to do is listen carefully to both men's stories, observe the men and surroundings. The problem is you're very biased so you can't be objective.

"The family explained that their children had gone to enjoy the playground when they encountered the suspect, who appeared to be attempting to sleep. Unintentionally disturbing his rest, the children's playful presence seemed to provoke the suspect's anger."

I told you so!


I'm very biased? I've continually said I don't know who was in the right or wrong. You're the one who said the white guy is entitled, the white guy is crying from guilt, and he knows what he did was wrong. Now you've given me a quote that the black guy was in the wrong. You don't get so upset that you pull a knife on kids playing in an area kids play because you want to sleep on a bench in the middle of the day.


I told you so!


You're only saying what the white guy said.
