MovieChat Forums > Politics > Should we have the death penalty by hang...

Should we have the death penalty by hanging as Great Britain once did?

Should we have the death penalty by hanging as Great Britain once did?


As long as it's televised on live TV as a means to warn others to not do the kinds of shit that will put them in front of those cameras... kill'em how ever you'd like, man!

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I think so. I believe hanging has been perfected over the years so it's relatively quick and painless. It also doesn't use too many resources like electricity, drugs, bullets, etc. Firing squads might be another options and those are used all over the world. Lethal injection seems to not work quickly for everyone and some of the drug companies are refusing to ship the needed drugs for executions.,a%20method%20in%20capital%20punishment.


Guiliten would be better.
