MovieChat Forums > Politics > Do We All Agree That Slavery is One of t...

Do We All Agree That Slavery is One of the Greatest Evils of All Time?

I certainly believe it is, and if I were a white American, I'd want to distance myself from anything and anyone, including any institution, that had a role in trying to maintain it, especially if that institution was specifically created with the specific purpose of upholding slavery.

I am a leftist and a liberal, and thus very VERY anti-racism and anti-KKK, after all.

Are *you*? πŸ€”πŸ˜ 


It is democrats (Leftists) who know the most about segregation and racism. Hell they stood on the schoolhouse stairs and said there would always be segregation, and that is EXACTLY what they are doing to this day. We could go through how it was democrats that have promoted laws against blacks or how it was Republicans who went to war to end the practice of democrat slavery. But why bother, truth is not exactly in their arsenal.


What's the difference between slavery and paying someone minimum wage and that wage not being enough to cover expenses?

Sounds worse than slavery to me.


I'd argue it's more that people don't understand that you can't get a new job at a restaurant or store and expect to get 40 hours a week right away since someone who has worked at said store for 5 years or more is guaranteed all the hours. I'd also argue that some people refuse to work very much cause they don't want to stop recieving food stamps. But you can't just get a new job and get 40 hours a week.


Typical entitled liberal twat comment. No perspective and no work ethic. Jesus, grow up.


There's a lot of slavery going on today in Africa. No doubt BLM is doing their best to abolish this.


I just want to say I am a conservative republican and I hate that my country America had slavery in it in the past. I wish we could somehow stop trading with China since they have slavery. Though neither Democrats or Republicans want to bring more factory jobs back to America.


Today's slavery is not my primary concern BUT, I would certainly support legislation to end our trade with china AND to require fair wages in other trade partners before they can export to US. And I would still put tariffs on them.

My PRIMARY concern is jobs for US, and to hinder Chinese power, but, yes, not supporting slavery is a concern also.

ALSO, we should close the border with mexico to end sex trafficking and slavery coming over that border.


Wow, tons and tons of whining about the slavery of 160yrs ago, which is all but irrelevant but apparently ZERO concern about the slavery that goes on right fucking now. So you're either hypocrites or fools just getting sucked into the narrative.

But thanks for the virtue signal. Feel better now?
