You and your far-right extremist pals are dangerous nutjobs:
"According to DHS, there were 231 domestic terrorism incidents between 2010 and 2021. Of these, about 35% (the largest category) were classified as racially- or ethnically-motivated. These attacks were also the most lethal.
Anti-government or anti-authority motivated violent extremism was the second largest category of incidents, and resulted in 15 deaths over the same time period.
There were also domestic terrorism incidents linked to animal rights extremists and abortion-related violent extremists, among other motivations."
"Congress finds the following:
(1) White supremacists and other far-right-wing extremists are the most significant domestic terrorism threat facing the United States."
"The FBI requests funding and personnel to effectively counter the increasing incidents of
Domestic Terrorism occurring across the United States. The underlying drivers, including sociopolitical conditions, racism, and anti-Semitism remain constant."