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Corpse announces he's running

Pudding brains Joe Biden announces run for relection. Seriously, how greedy and power thirsty must one be to risk the chance of working till the age of 84!

The guy doesn't even believe half the shit he spews, surely one of the worst kinds of human on the planet


Weird coincidence, also at the same time he announced, the retard home down the street announced the launch of their space program


What kind of street do you live in? The retards in mine are not space engineers


It'll be fine. They'll get some of that green glowing stuff from the movie Re-Animator in him and he'll be good to go for another four years. Right wingers are just making another issue out of nothing.


Joe gets smarter as he gets older.


Pretty sure maggots already ate 98% of his brains


He has maggot brain which is why he is so smart, they are controlling his body.


That's what I was thinking. The part where they control his body, and sure a bit smarter than living Boe Jiden


If Biden is so bad then how come repubs can't beat him and have to lie about it when they lose?


I take it you're blind


I take it you can't answer the question.
