MovieChat Forums > Politics > It's 4/20. Weed is linked to violence/ps...

Eat more mushrooms.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£Reefer Madness!!




Someone needs to chill...May I suggest a big ol' bong hit?


No man.


Still 0 deaths...

Weed is safer than the covid shot!

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There have been a couple of documented THC overdose deaths but many more people have probably died from related heart disease and stroke. It's hard to pinpoint the cause of death in many cases since many coroners aren't even medical doctors. The covid shot is similar since heart troubles might have been caused by the shot but the death certificate might list heart attack or even covid as the cause of death. It may be too soon but I'm not aware of any links between the covid shot and psychosis, violence and bipolar disorder.


At present, it is estimated that marijuanaā€™s LD-50 is around 1:20,000 or 1:40,000. In layman terms, this means that in order to induce death, a marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette. NIDA-supplied marijuana cigarettes weigh approximately .9 grams. A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response.

Point is, its without a doubt safe enough to regulate it for the legal market. Consenting adults have the right to make this choice themselves without the threat of being thrown in jail. With 70% of the population in favor, half of the States already legal, other countries jumping on the bandwagon, its going to happen sooner or later here on the Federal Level. It's about time for people like you to stop clutching at their pearls.


Estimates are BS! You have to provide studies and articles from reputable sources to corroborate your assertions. You don't know shit so your post is unsubstantiated drivel.

People don't just smoke marijuana since there are now alternative delivery methods like edibles, vaping, oils, tinctures, sprays, etc. There are plenty of examples of people dying from these various methods. Most people don't realize the dangers of marijuana and that's why I am spreading the word. * edible gummy death *


It comes from an old DEA report and even with stronger products nowadays, its still physically impossible to fatally overdose on THC. Hell, even with edibles, you'd die from the salt and sugar intake before the THC killed you.

Your first link is about bootleg products on the black market containing Vitamin E acetate, which is extremely toxic to the lungs. There was an outbreak a few years ago. Thanks for proving my point people are safer with regulation. Products purchased at legal dispensaries have to follow strict safety protocols.

Second link: A tragic accident and nothing more. People need to practice personal responsibility. Idiots die all the time from doing stupid things while drunk, but we're not going to ban it because most people can drink responsibly.

Third link is about a SYNTHETIC cannabinoid, aka a sketchy research chemical purchased online. This has NOTHING to do with cannabis. And again, had this person had access to a safe and regulated product, they would still be alive.

The only thing you're doing is spreading here is misinformation. Stop being ignorant and realize regulating marijuana is not only the safe thing to do, but the smart one.


Your supposed DEA report is from 1988 AND it's only an opinion from an administrative law judge. That's outdated and totally irrelevant.

Don't accuse me of spreading misinformation. My links are all from reputable sources. I'm not going to change your mind BUT I hope others read this thread and choose to fight legalization.

Another study and accompanying articles below show links between marijuana and suicide. The dangers of marijuana cannot be ignored.


Uh, no! More people died from smoking tobacco in the time it took me to write this comment than have EVER died from weed...


That first story is bunk... They have no idea what killed her lol.

The rest are just unhealthy people dying. Too many munchie sessions with garbage-tier food.

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No surprise. Government doesn't care. They want the tax revenue.


If alcohol can be legal so can pot.
