MovieChat Forums > Politics > An Incel/Misogynist Is Simply a Simp Who...

An Incel/Misogynist Is Simply a Simp Who's Been Rejected

An Egalitarian is someone who respects women and men, and non-binary individuals, equally, fairly and reasonably, under all circumstances.

I don't simp for *anyone*. I believe in treating all people *equally* (regardless of their sex, gender or how 'hot' they may be).

If you *don't* simp for pretty girls/women, guess what? You won't get angry/disappointed when they either reject you, or 'disappoint' you' by not living up to the perfect, virtuous image you have stupidly attached to them,

Remember, people are people. We are ALL flawed, and MOST people, regardless of sex, gender, race, ethnicity, class, nationality, religion, height, weight, beauty/handsomeness and sexuality, are NOT evil, and, thus, should be treated with the minimum respect and dignity (whch *isn't* the same as putting them on a pedestal, and treating them as if they're *better* than everyone else. Remember folks, that's NOT equality. That's SUPREMACY).


An Egalitarian is someone who respects women and men, and non-binary individuals, equally, fairly and reasonably, under all circumstances.

And has a very dry pee-pee! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 (What does respecting men and trannies have to do with incels and simps? 🤔🤔🤨🤨)

Dude, female supremacy reigns supreme in the US. Women have more rights then men, get lesser sentences for the same crimes, and are always assumed the victim in DV cases. They live life on Tutorial Mode.

Respect is earned. If a woman wants my respect? She earns it like a man does...that's true egalitarianism.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Everyone is entitled to *basic* respect and dignity, but I do think admiration and awe *is* earned. However, one doesn't have to be a great athlete, or a genius, or work every hour god sends, to merit the aforementioned basic respect and dignity. That should come automatically, simply as a human-being (and is only forsaken if one commits a particularly violent and abusive criminal act, like child molestation, rape or cold-blooded murder).



A strange post. Not sure what you are arguing for or against.

Do you respect "incels"? Do you treat them with dignity? Or do you enjoy punching down at them?


All her posts are strange. Incels are the new "hate group". They must be undergoing woke programming at college.


Harvey's a woman?

I was hoping to bond, but forget it now! I thought "he" liked A Fish Called Wanda (1988) and Kevin Klein's (Oscar-winning performance) of an unforgettable character, Otto.

You mean it's just some uptight femi-nazi from community college? Fuck.


That was a fantastic movie.


I'm not sure how much your post has to do with your title here?


Good grief would you stop trolling here with your insipid nonsense?!!
