Can Someone Explain to Me Why the Democratic Party Never Rebranded/Renamed Itself?
Rather than remain historically aligned to an institution that was founded to uphold slavery, and was aligned to the KKK and segregation until the 1960s?
Yes, yes, I understand the flip between the parties, and all that, but as a rational, reasonable, science-based individual, I care about FACTS over SPECULATION, and the FACT is that the Democratic Party was for over a century the party of anti-Black segregation.
Why not rename itself the Progressive Party, or the Liberal Party, for instance?
It's hard for me to trust any institution with such problematic foundations (which is also why I'm very sceptical about Disney).
I DON'T like being GASLIT, and as someone with OCD (i.e. a mental illness; which any TRUE progressive should be SYMPATHETIC and SUPPORTIVE over), I struggle with cognitive dissonance and contradictions.