MovieChat Forums > Politics > People Who Don't Eat Meat, But Eat Fish

People Who Don't Eat Meat, But Eat Fish

Piss me right off!

A fish is a living sentient animal, you fucking POS!

Why make a distinction?

Fucking poseurs. Not TRUE vegetarians or vegans. Fuck em!πŸ˜ πŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸ‘ŠπŸΏ


Pescatarians piss you off...


Wow! As they say you learn a new word everyday. I had to look up pescatarians. It’s what was once referred to as a $50 word. Thanks for adding to my lexicon. I enjoy the etymology of words.


I was watching some TV quiz show, where some posh blonde airhead who works in fashion (you know the type; always trying to display their 'superior virtue') struggled with an easy question about Beef Wellington, because "I've never eatem meat" (fucking asshole; I don't eat meat either, but I've heard of Beef Wellington...but any excuse for blondie to show-off that she doesn't eat meat, I guess). Then for the next question, which was also about food, she says "I love tuna salad."

WHAT A HYPOCRITE. Trying to appropriate some vegan/vegetarian virtue one moment, when she's NOT even a REAL vegetarian/vegan. I can't stand these people. Insecure BIMBOS who are constantly worried about their image ("Oh dear, what will society think of me if I'm not a perfect vegan?"), rather than the lives of the actual animals. I don't want such people in my group. I can't stand them. They can go fuck off and join the omnivores. Insecure, virtue-signalling hypocritical bimbos have no place among true progressives like me. 😠


I'm a proud member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals).


Good for you. Just as long as you're not pretending to be a vegan/vegetarian, you're entitled to your own lifestyle/tastes. And FWIW, I detest PETA. I may be an ethical vegan, but extremists and celebrity-worshippers like PETA, DON'T speak for militant BUT moderate (i.e. people who are staunch and inflexible in our principles, BUT do not believe in using violent/bullying tactics to force others to live like us) individuals like myself.


I've never met an actual vegan. Those who claim they are, most often have leather products and use other animal byproducts.


I don't eat meat. Don't eat dairy. Don't eat honey. Eventually cut out all vegetarian ready-meals that had traces of milk/cheese. Don't drink anything that has traces of shellac. Don't wear wool. And, no, I don't leather shoes/clothes, and have been wearing synthetic shoes from a shop called 'Vegetarian Shoes' in Brighton (although it's easier to get non-leather trainers from most highstreet stores) since the late 90s/early 00s.

I'm sure there is something I do that isn't 100% vegan (I'm not a Jainist). Even though I don't drive, I do use public transport, and plenty of bugs are caught up in the exhaust pipes and so on of the buses I ride on, and when I have a shower, although I try to check for, and remove bugs, before putting on the tap, I can't always be 100% certain, especially if I'm tired.

But I don't necessarily expect every vegan to be 100% PURE. But I sure as shit expect anyone who describes themselves as a vegan or vegetarian NOT to EAT anything that ever had a life (although I don't have any ethical qualms about people who exclusively eat roadkill, although I'd never do it, because I wouldn't want to get a taste for meat, which I haven't eaten since 1991/92).


You're a vegan? No wonder you are so angry. Why do care so much about other people's diets?


Why would being a vegan make me 'angry'?

I don't care that much about anyone else's diet. I care about frauds and poseurs, who want to share in the virtue of living an ethical life, BUT aren't actually walking the walk. They're often a certain type (and more often than not, a celebrity). Fuck people who pretend to be 'good', but aren't actually 'good'. It seems that being richer, more beautiful and more successful than everyone else isn't enough for these people; they have to be the most virtuous too (even though they're NOT). What they don't seem to realise (or perhaps they don't care) is that their self-promotion actually has a DETRIMENTAL impact on ordinary people's mental health (potentially leading to self-harm, and even suicide), so, if you think about it, these people are in fact the WORST people in the world, because their actions are DIRECTLY leading to people's DEATHS (i.e. they're MURDERERS). Fuck em. πŸ˜ πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ


Kinda like abortion supporters.


I will NEVER force a woman to have a child she doesn't want. That's not your right nor mine.

Besides, it's a fetus, not a fully-developed animal.


But you're just dandy with murdering her defenseless child. You can spin it how you want, but that's the truth.

I question your "ethics".


I haven't aborted any child. Thankfully, that's not a decision *I* have to make, NOR is it one I'm going to enforce on anyone else.

A fetus isn't yet a fully-formed baby/child, so, whilst it may not be ideal, I am relaxed with the right of EVERY woman and girl to terminate a pregnancy, if that it what they need to do/feel is best for them.


It's not what's best for the child and it's murder, pure and simple. Semantics don't wash.


I think a lot of them don't pretend to be vegetarians. They eat fish, but don't eat other animals for health reasons.


Perhaps, but those people annoy me.

Arguably, the healthiest diet is an omnivorous one that includes some meat. Vegans and vegetarians like me, are lacking in some nutrients, due to our diets. Extremists and militants will lie to you and tell you that ain't so, but IDIOTS like them aren't being HONEST about SACRIFICE. If sacrifices were *easy* they wouldn't be fucking sacrifices, would they? Which is also why many 'vegans' can't fucking hack it after a few months/years. If I had a dollar for every rich celebrity and bimbo that said "Ooh, I'm a vegetarian/vegan" but went back to eating meat within 6 months to a couple of years later, I'd be a VERY rich man indeed. FUCKING lightweights (albeit not in terms of *literal* weight, you understand). πŸ˜ πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ


I'm with you on the PR crap, like jumping on the "non-binary" and adopting African and/or POC kid bandwagons. It's all for show.


Yes, whilst we may disagree politically on most things, I think we're both on a similar page when it comes to calling out hypocrisy/celebrity bullshit. Many of these people are poseurs who make a mockery out of people with *genuine* convictions, whatever they may be.
