As a Libertarian...
...I support gay marriage, trans rights and a woman's right to have an abortion.
There are also rights that I approve and support that many 'left-wingers' would have an issue with, but in the interests of consistency one cannot possibly be a true lover of freedom and liberty without supporting the things I listed above.
Individual liberty should be respected and cherished, as opposed to lifestyles and ideas that a community, state or nation impose on others (for instance, I am *against* statues in public places commemorating Confederates, because those public spaces belong to everyone however, I feel uneasy about forcing a privately-owned establishment to remove Confederate flags or racist memorabilia, like 'gollywogs', as much as those artifacts offend me, because, as I say, I support *individual* liberty, and individuals have a choice not to enter that establishment, just as a white person has a choice not to enter an establishment representing BLM).