MovieChat Forums > Politics > As a Libertarian...

As a Libertarian...

...I support gay marriage, trans rights and a woman's right to have an abortion.

There are also rights that I approve and support that many 'left-wingers' would have an issue with, but in the interests of consistency one cannot possibly be a true lover of freedom and liberty without supporting the things I listed above.

Individual liberty should be respected and cherished, as opposed to lifestyles and ideas that a community, state or nation impose on others (for instance, I am *against* statues in public places commemorating Confederates, because those public spaces belong to everyone however, I feel uneasy about forcing a privately-owned establishment to remove Confederate flags or racist memorabilia, like 'gollywogs', as much as those artifacts offend me, because, as I say, I support *individual* liberty, and individuals have a choice not to enter that establishment, just as a white person has a choice not to enter an establishment representing BLM).


Abortion is not a right. It's an infringement upon another life, and a taking of it.

What rights do transpeople not have?

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


It's only the Church that believes it's a life upon conception, and why should the fucking Church dictate how the rest of us, who aren't religious or don't subscribe to everything dictated by Christian dogma, hook-line-and-sinker, live?


They want to legislate morality with god's law as law of the land. Vice News has a piece on it.
