MovieChat Forums > Politics > Do Enough White Liberals Walk the Walk?

Do Enough White Liberals Walk the Walk?

Let's be honest for one damn moment.

The problem for many cons and non-libs isn't so CRT and the acknowledgement that systemic white privilege exists. One would have to be blind, deaf, dumb, and have been living under a rock to believe that Black people have the same opportunities and rights as whites (my apologies to the blind and deaf). It's the *hypocrisy* that many non-libs take offence at.

It's one thing to say that white people are only successful because of their skin colour/race/ethnicity, but if people like Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, Jimmy 'Man Show' Kimmel, and Chris 'Not Another Teen Movie' Evans, and the like, truly believed that, then surely they should display some humility and acknowledge that *they're* only where they are because of their innate WHITE PRIVILEGE.

I'm an instinctive Democrat. If I were American, I'd have voted for Biden in 2020, and Clinton in 1992 and 1996, but does anyone TRULY believe that either of these men are the best a population of over 300 million can offer, any more than frickin Trump or Dubya are? Even if one accepts that Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar and a highly intelligent Ivy League educated man, he's still a complete sleaze and a habitual sex-offender. Hardly a shining beacon. And Biden, although a perfectly likeable, well-meaning (for a POTUS) individual, is practically the definition of mediocrity.


"The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal."

-Malcolm X

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


If white liberals actually cared about police not interacting with black people all white liberals would have to do is never do drugs in their life and that would make it so most all the interactions that police have with black people would never happen. The primary illegal drug traffickers of the USA are people who happen to be black. If some non-black ethnic group were the illegal drug traffickers of the USA police would interact with that non-black ethnic group and would leave black people alone.

If white liberals believed in systemic racism then white liberals would not go to college and that would make it so black people take their college seat and take the white liberals office job.

White liberals are mostly all psychopath persons so they do not behave like a person who can feel real emotions.
The reason why you never hear a white liberal tell a white conservative that the conservative should feel intense guilt for slavery and colonialism is because white liberals know that white liberals would have to behave in a way that says white liberals feel real guilt for slavery and colonialism and white liberals do not want to do that.

The solution to the ethnic problems of the USA is for white liberals to take complete control of illegal drug trafficking in the USA. White liberals are the main ethnic group who do drugs in the USA and they should also be the people who distribute and sell the illegal drugs. After that, police will go after white people rather than black people because it is actually about illegal drug trafficking and not about ethnicity.


This is aggressively retarded. "White liberals are mostly all psychopath [sic] persons," yet psychopaths are about 1% of the population. Your argument (reductio ad absurdum?) is that if white liberals really cared they would engage in drug trafficking??

You know what? I blame myself. Why do I even entertain this nonsense?


The guess, that only 1% of any population is psychopath, is incorrect.

Liberals are psychopaths who stand up in public and make like they care for certain other people. Liberals being psychopaths only "care" for certain other people. White liberals have the option to act like they "care" for black people by taking complete control of the illegal drug trafficking from the black people who are illegal drug dealers.


That about 1% of the population are psychopaths is a rather well-known statistic. Go ahead and cite your source indicating otherwise, then feel free to cite a source showing that white liberals are psychopaths. Here's the first hit on Google:

>Liberals are psychopaths who stand up in public and make like they care for certain other people. Liberals being psychopaths only "care" for certain other people. White liberals have the option to act like they "care" for black people by taking complete control of the illegal drug trafficking from the black people who are illegal drug dealers.

Unsupported assertions followed by a bogus analogy.


this is some of the wildest and deepest truthbombs i've ever read on a messageboard primarily devoted to movies,
you absolutely need to be slinging these truths on social media across all platforms and hopefully some day parlay that into a career as an honest politician


People do not take offense at hypocrisy. They take offense at their tribal opponents' hypocrisy.

As for the figures you mention, I think it's rather easy for them to acknowledge that they're enormously privileged, and I'm sure all have done so at some point. They're not just beneficiaries of white privilege. They benefit enormously from when and where they're born, their sex, and other native endowments over which they had no agency. Acknowledgments are pretty easy. Changing behavior is difficult. See, for example, land acknowledgment statements. Recognizing the land was stolen is easy; giving it back is difficult.

A lot of culture war politics is perfect for the performative social media environment. It's pretty easy to say "trans rights are human rights." It's not as easy to observe animal rights, where there's far, far greater bloodshed.


I think we're mostly in agreement here (esp. the part about how easy it is to say "I am privileged" but how it takes much more effort to actually do something to correct/mitigate that privilege). And I mostly agree about animal rights (although, even as a vegan, I would never say they're 'equal' to human rights, and I wouldn't pit them against trans rights, which is not to say that was your intention).


This country has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks since the mid 60s, democratically reached and manifested in generations of law and policy.

For the last 6 decades the debate should have been how best to do that.

There has not been a major anti-black equality voice in national politics since then.

Talk of white previlege after 6 decades of ever growing Affrimative Action and Diversity programs and blah, blah, blah, is just nonsense.
