MovieChat Forums > Politics > Slogans Like X Are The N*gg*rs of Y or W...

Slogans Like X Are The N*gg*rs of Y or White N*gg*r Need to be BANNED

No-one, and I mean NO-ONE, is treated worse than the people whose ancestors were STOLEN from Africa and forced to work as SLAVES for white people, male *and* female, for centuries. NO-ONE.

Since the mid-1600s, NO group has had it worse than Black people, and to compare the experiences of any other demographic to what Black people have had to endure for over 400 years now is an absolutely fucking travesty, and anyone who does so should be thoroughly ashamed. 😠


What are you talking about? No one was stolen from Africa... The African Kings rounded up all their garbage, sold them off to the Jewish Slave Traders, and then were brought to other continents. Also, the very first slave-owner in America was a black man.

If you're going to bring up the North-Atlantic Slave Trade, at least be factual about it.

The rest of your post is ahistorical conjecture.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.


I'd say Asian people have been treated worse. But mostly by their own kind.


How about "wigger?"


I’m not going to address your inane assertion of Black ancestors being “STOLEN” other than
they weren’t. What you do need to do is educate yourself before ranting like a lunatic about one group of people.

”The growth of the U.S. came at a tragic cost: the land of American Indians was seized, and their tribes were annihilated.” What? No crocodile tears for a people who were given blankets laced with smallpox.

”Indian Removal Act: The Genocide of Native Americans”

” Genocide is the systematic destruction of peoples based on ethnicity, religion, nationality, or race. It is the culmination of human rights violations. There are numerous examples of genocide throughout history, some being more infamous than others. For example, Hitler and the Jewish Holocaust is probably the most well-known case of genocide in modern history. There are other cases that are not as well known, especially in our American culture where, historically, we tend to focus on the atrocities of others and ignore our own. One such case is Native American genocide by European colonists, and later, the United States government. The purpose of this blog is to objectively examine a few of cases of genocide against Native American peoples, by European settlers and the United States government, and understand why they occurred.”

Blacks in the U.S.——14.2% And, their population is increasing.

American Indians in the U.S.——2.09%. And, their population is decreasing.

But, as the adage says “Ignorance is bliss”. Strange how the more ignorant a person is, the more that person rants & raves.


So many lily-white Anglo-Americans, many of them blond(e) and blue-eyed, claim 'Native American' ancestry, it's hard to truly care anymore. The plight of *genuine* Native Americans has been diluted by all the white pretenders, many of them RACIST Southerners with CONFEDERATE roots, who are seeking to appropriate some sort of victimhood, but very few white Americans pretend to be Black (weirdos like Rachel Dolezal being a rare exception). They'll appropriate their music, their style, even their body shapes, but they won't actually claim to *be* Black, but they'll make all sorts of cock-and-bull stories about being 1/64 Cherokee, or some other mythologised nonsense designed to play-down their WHITE PRIVILEGE. 😠👊🏿

Sorry, but I've got compassion fatigue. At least I know what a Black person is, and thus I know who deserves my sympathies. Blame the faux-Cherokee WASPs for my 'lack of compassion', but I REFUSE to shed ONE fucking tear for anyone with blue eyes and blonde hair. Fuck those ARYANS. 😠

And even the *genuine* Native Americans weren't taken from their OWN continent, as Black people were. Instead, they were given special rights to set up casinos.


 And even the *genuine* Native Americans weren't taken from their OWN continent

Huh? They weren’t? Oh excuse me. Incorrect happening
their continent was TAKEN from them. Damn! It’s so easy to forget that since they were almost annihilated. And so few of them left.

You also dismissed the fact the first slave owner was a Black dude. Learn your history. The ones with Free papers who made it to the North were treated just as badly. So, get off your high horse about “RACIST Southerners with CONFEDERATE roots”. BTW, your statement ”NO group has had it worse than Black people” leads to the fact they sure are making up for it by burning our cities while murdering innocent people.

What’s it like being a hateful bigot against White people with blue eyes. Does that go for White brown-eyed folks? Sub-humans as yourself do not belong in a civilized society.


"The plight of *genuine* Native Americans has been diluted by all the white pretenders, many of them RACIST Southerners with CONFEDERATE roots, who are seeking to appropriate some sort of victimhood"

Is this really a thing? I know Senator Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts?) checked the box that said "Native American" for a college application or something. Other people are doing it too?


OP is quite the kook..


Why? Because I refuse to deny the Black experience, as most people on this board do (i.e. the racists)?


Oh, stuff it bigot! It’s not “raaacists”, it’s bigots. You’re the type calling the kettle black. You can leave this board at anytime. 🙄When you do don’t let the door hit you in the arse! đŸšȘ


Why is it stolen? Why not redistribution of wealth? Or you know, CONQUERED! Like in the olden days of how things normally worked until brains got better and enlightenment came.
