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No One Is Above The Law!

Regular folks indicted Trump. They served as the grand jury who looked at evidence and voted to indict based on that evidence.

He isn't the first:

Former French President Sarkozy was convicted twice on completely separate charges! Corruption and illegal campaign financing. The first is for 1 year in prison and 2 years suspended sentence. The second is 1 year in prison. He's appealing.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was indicted on corruption charges in three cases. Netanyahu is charged with fraud and breach of trust in Cases 1000 and 2000, and bribery, fraud and breach of trust in Case 4000.


NY is democrat, NYC is democrat, Alvin Bragg is democrat, all the jurors are democrat. Nothing fishy going on here.


Let’s wait and see what those charges are…,& there’s plenty more a comin !


11 of the 25 Representatives from NYC are Republicans. Let me do the math, I know that would be hard for you--that's nearly half (44%) of the city represented in Congress by Republicans.


Dems have the majority and can do whatever they want. Alvin Bragg is a democrat.


What nonsense! Alan Bragg didn't charge Trump last year! Only his company where his CFO was sent to prison for tax fraud following Trump's orders.

You believe Republicans should be allowed to break the law and not face justice.


Alan Bragg didn't charge Trump last year!

Of course not. It wasn't close enough to election time. You are truly brainwashed!


Plenty of Republicans throughout New York.

But, just because Republicans can't be fair doesn't mean Democrats can't.

Trump's employees, attorney and CFO, went to jail following his direction. Now, it's Trump's turn to face justice. No one is above the law including your cult leader.


So then you're okay with going after all former Presidents for their supposed wrongdoings...yes? Why not go after all the senators and congress while we are at it? Why stop there?




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No one is above the law including your twice impeached cult leader.

Trump is the only U.S. president who breaks the law every 2 minutes. Nixon was a boy scout compared to him.


Literally a misdemeanor.

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Indictment wasn't released yet so you literally know nothing about it.


In a Banana Republic, the Dictator is above the law and there is mob violence and tyranny.

In a democracy, no leader is above the law. Just like the Founding Fathers wanted it!

Other leaders who were indicted include Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu and France former president Sarkozy found guilty in two different cases and sentenced to prison.


You have no idea what you're talking about, no one reads your bullshit nor believes a word you say.

I'm going back to pretending you don't exist, I have full confidence you'll never change a mind with your lies, racism, and idiocy. Have fun in irrelevance.

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She is right though.
With one law book, you can be above the law.
Stack them all up and they can reach the moon.
Yeah, no one is above the law then!


You only have personal attacks instead of addressing and being able to refute my comment. No one can be above the law in a democracy. You're advocating dictatorship principles.


Blow your sophistry out of your ass, Saul. No one else takes you seriously, so I'm not either.

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You only have personal attacks instead of addressing and being able to refute my comment.

"Leftists always lie."

Ideologue and bigot.


Aw... You're upset because your twice impeached orange master got indicted. Here, have a tissue.


Spoken like a true Banana Republican.

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I don't understand the grudge against Trump. Most of us, left, right, or inbetween, realize that the U.S. has been woefully mismanaged, even if judged based upon different metrics. Trump was only in government for four years, whereas the people ruining everything have been in government for decades. Why not go after them?


"Why not go after them?"

Because they are part of the status quo deep state machine. They dont want change they just want things to stay the same so they all can get rich. Democrat or Republican, they are all the same. Neither Party wants Trump back because he exposed all the corruption and lies.


Trump is CORRUPTION and LIES!!

That's all he knows since the day he was born!!

Grow up! There is no DEEP STATE!


The "Deep State" is just a fancy name for the power behind the throne; people who have been in government for decades.


Oh OK, so there evil?


Not a grudge. Trump has been breaking the law for decades. His CFO is in prison now for following Trump's direction. His former attorney was sent to prison for following Trump's direction.

Trump grew up spoiled by his parents who enabled him. Now he believes he can continue to break laws and not pay taxes without repercussions.

No one is above the law! The Founding Fathers didn't want a dictator nor tyranny. Be loyal to America's ideals and principles instead of one flawed individual.


You seem to think that Trump is being prosecuted because of a bridge against him. He is being prosecuted because he doesn't obey laws.

People who know him best, the people of NYC and NJ, have known he was a criminal for decades. You may have noticed they voted against him overwhelmingly.


Except people who steal elections with 20 million fake votes of course


Yet other Republicans besides Trump won their elections.

You make zero sense.


He had 60+ court cases arguing mass voter fraud thrown out, even by Trump appointed judges. He fucking lost. Get the fuck over it!


Yeah Trump he was mass murderer during The Pandemic and a Cop Enabler Id charge him with that


Stay tuned. This is the first of many to come.


People Apparently Above The Law

Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
George W. Bush
Barak O'Bama
Joe Biden


Too bad your loyalty is to a flawed con artist instead of the United States. Did you send him any money yet?


I only donate money I can write-off on my taxes, usually to homeless shelters...

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