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Much Superior to Twitter

Because of Twitter's stupid character limit, most nuances and explanations were lost in a morass of silly, brainless, black-and-white binary bullshit.

The thing is, life isn't simple. It requires explanations and extrapolations, which a 280-character limit cannot accommodate (and never mind Elon's 'blue-tick' bullshit; people shouldn't have to pay for the pleasure of being abale to express themselves fully; yes, it's nice that *some* people now have a larger Twitter character-limit, but what's the point if it's a privilege that only exists for people who pay for that right; on one hand, it *does* offer a degree of freedom, for those who can pay, on the other hand, it promotes elitism and privileges the speech of the rich).

But no wonder society is so dumb and extreme at the moment. If I posted any of the things I say on this site, back on Twitter, I'd be crucified for being an 'extremist'. Twitter and most social media is making people dumber, and forcing people into 'them and us' positions. It's pathetic and childish, so, thank goodness, there are stll places online where one can have a more advanced, sophisticated and deeper, less binary, discussion.


back on Twitter, I'd be crucified for being an 'extremist'

That all depends on which post you submit since I see that on this site, your posts are inconsistent from one extreme to the other, so on twitter, you would be backlashed by both/either sides.


Indeed, and that's usually what happened, and that's the point; on Twitter people would only see my posts on a certain topic, and so they were able to pigeonhole me as x or y, whereas here, people are familiar with my overall posting history, so they get a more holistic picture of what I'm about.

I wouldn't say my posts were 'inconsistent' though. Nuanced is a preferable way of putting it. I'm a leftist, and arguably a feminist/feminist ally, but I can also identify the bullshit in certain parts of the extreme left, including aspects of 'feminism'.

For instance, I abhor all sexual violence and any man who commits it, but if I question a particular allegation of violence, I don't see how that makes me a misogynist or a 'rape apologist'. I'd only be one of those things if I *knew* the allegation to be true, and somehow defended or minimised the violence. And yes, I realise that stereotypes about false allegations might be 'misogynist' in itself, but it's also complete BS to pretend that no-one ever lies. I've never been accused of sexual violence, BUT I have been on the receiving end of other false allegations and threats, and so I know how easy is it for some people to lie. Almost all of us do it, and it's certainly not confined to rape. The only reason why rape is such an issue when it comes to false allegations is that unlike frickin murder or theft, it's harder to prove. We have a dead body in murder. We have a missing item in theft. Even in a rape case where we can prove that sex occurred between the parties, how do you prove a negative (i.e. the absence of consent). It's possible BUT very difficult. And so, that's why someone is arguably more likely to lie about a rape than a murder. How the fuck do you lie about a murder?


Can’t see any reason to not put the clown on ignore.


Brevity is next to godliness.


Well, maybe you'd feel at home at Twitter, but most things worth saying, are worth saying with depth and nuance, and that requires more than 280 characters.

Not everything is black-and-white, and not everything can be easily wrapped up in a simplistic bow.


Because liberals have simple minds and small vocabularies.


People aren't stupid because of Twitter, people are stupid because the schools stopped teaching children to be adults about 30 years ago. Now they are conditioned to be perpetual children dependent on the state.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.


People are dependant on the state, because the corporations destroyed all the jobs, and it no longer pays to start one's own business/work independently. Anyone who does, can say goodbye to their dreams of ever owning a home.
