MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why Is the Political Right So Anti-Abort...

Why Is the Political Right So Anti-Abortion?

Speaking even as a leftist, I sometimes think modern right-wingers have a point about how parts of the far and even establishment left want so desperately for us all to think and act the same way, especially in terms of trying to create a homogenous media that only presents one POV. As much as I staunchly support diversity, for instance, I don't think it should be mandated any more than every single piece of art should be required to advocate for one single political view-point.

And even as a non-smoking, non-drug-taking, borderline teetotal vegan, I am not keen on forcing my lifestyle upon others (even though I will certainly argue, with respect to veganism, that there are imperative ethical and environmental reasons why we shouldn't be rearing animals for food).

But when it comes to abortion, and a woman's RIGHT to have full AUTONOMY over her OWN body, that's when the modern political right seem to suddenly have a complete brain blackout when it comes to the personal *FREEDOM* they constantly talk about.

Surely it should be the FREEDOM of every woman to choose what happens to HER body. No woman should be forced to undergo a pregnancy, and, for that matter, no woman should be pressured to terminate one, if it's HER CHOICE to have that baby.

Don't tell me that every single 'freedom-loving' conservative actually believes in God (although, to be fair, there are plenty of theists who entirely and reasonably accept a woman's RIGHT TO CHOOSE, and I 100% respect them for that), or that conception automatically equals a sentient life. Or is it because 'freedom' only applies when it comes to what men can and can't do, and NOT the choices that are *unique* to *most* (albeit *not* all) women?


The immediate reason is exerting power, in this instance over women. The long term reason is they just need more people being born to serve the wealthy as workers or die in some future war as soldiers.


Nope, not even remotely close. That is YOUR bias and partisan politics talking.


Yeah, I think a large part of that is true, especially the first argument. As well as desiring to control women's bodies (and thus maintaining male power in principle), parts of the political right wish to keep women in the kitchen/away from the workforce, and by restricting a woman's ability to plan the terms upon which she has a family (i.e. the how and when), it makes it even easier to keep a woman at home, against her will, and thus allow men to continue dominating the workforce.

The second may be a sub-conscious or side factor, although I suspect that the desire to limit abortion has more, in this case, to do with ensuring one's own race/class maintains dominance. From a white supremacist POV, too many POC are having children in relation to middle and upper-class white people.


Democrats make into a women's rights issue or freedom because you can't justify dead babies, so they deflect with this bullshit. Killing babies is wrong. Religion or not.


It is not about politics. It is about fertility cultishness of ethnic celtic people. The main ethnicity of the people who are anti-abortion are ethnic celtic people. Back in time when celtic people controlled most of europe, ethnic celtic people were very polygynous people. In a celtic tribe many celtic kids would be born to harem celtic females but the celtic fathers of those kids would not take care of their kids because the celtic males who bred the celtic females were high status polygynous celtic males who did not care for their kids. Most all celtic kids in a tribe had no father to take care of them some celtic tribes evolved fertility cultishness with the affect that the kids of polygyny would be taken care of by the celtic people rather than by their biological celtic father. A celtic tribe that had fertility cultishness that caused celtic people to take care of their polygyny born celtic kids survived and thrived compared to a celtic tribe who did not have fertility cultishness in their genetics in which case the celtic kids mostly died.

In the USA, celtic people know that the primary group of males who get their babies aborted are ethnic celtic males. Celtic people's psychology is still that of a polygynous celtic tribe and celtic fertility cultish christians will perform their evolutionary duty of taking care of the cetlic kids who are born from polygyny.

And just so you know, if you killed all of the celtic "christians" who are anti-abortion, a portion of celtic people who are liberal would just take their place and be the celtic "christians" who take care of the celtic kids. The reason why this is is because all celtic people are descedants of a high status polygynous celtic male who had both the liberal, "have sex all the time" genetics and the fertility cultish "christian" genetics together in his genes. The celtic group is an organism that will heal itself if parts of it are killed even if you do not like those parts.


I find it odd or even hypocritical as to how those who are anti choice are also pro gun for two reasons.
1) They don't want a fetus to be killed yet they have no problem at all with children getting killed by guns and will put their gun rights above the safety of children.
2) They want to take away the choice of what a woman can do with her body and yet they do not want the choice taken away for them to own a deadly weapon.
Which just further shows that the term they apply to themselves as being, "Pro life," really is not at all.


Did you see my post quoting George Carlin?

Some cons only care about 'life' up until birth...

I don't 100% agree with your argument, because the pro-gun lobby will argue that the ownership of a gun is a deterrent, rather than something that *guarantees* death, although I've always been of the opinion that guns were designed to kill and maim. It's not that I think you're wrong, but that I can see how the other side might argue against your point.

But I definitely think the political right is very hypocritical on these issues, and instead of trying to preserve the 'life' of foetuses, I wish they'd do much more to protect the lives of elementary and high-school children in the US, who have been constantly threatened by the proliferation of guns within society.

At the very least, if they believe it's *their* right to own a gun, no matter what other people do, then surely they should accept that it's every woman's right to do what she wants/needs to do with her *own* body.


its killing unborn babies, that is satanic and fucked up. if unborn babies have no right than nobodies lives mean anything. it sets a dangerous precedent. giving woman the "right" to kill kids is the same as giving serial killers the "right" to kill innocent people cuz they feel like it...


At 8 months 3 weeks does the woman still have the "RIGHT to have full AUTONOMY over her OWN body" by having the fully formed baby killed? Does she have the "woman's RIGHT TO CHOOSE" at that point?


It's because in their minds the rights of the unborn child to live trump the right to choose to kill it (in their minds murder it), unless the life of the mother is at risk (although some of them take it to even that extreme). You have to understand where they're coming from to grasp this, even those who aren't religious (a number that's steadily decreasing). It's not quite the contradiction or hypocrisy you might think it is once you get into their mindset of there always being two living beings involved (in the most ardently religious, even just the initially conceived cells constitute a living being, e.g. the morning after pill, and of course the really out there see prevention as a "sin", but I do think those groups are a minority, albeit a very vocal one). In my experience many "conservatives" aren't totally anti-abortion.

I personally, as a non-ideologue, would like there to be limits (barring exigent circumstances, of course). Abortion right up until birth disturbs me. Studies are needed to determine where the line is. Right now, barring a more definitive scientific definition, I'd welcome a policy of roughly determining when a fetus would be viable outside the womb, perhaps at the third trimester, around 30 to 40 weeks (although some have survived as early as 24 weeks), and imposing some form of deterrent. I've spoken with both conservatives and liberals who lean this way. This can't be an all or nothing proposition like ideologues at both ends of the political spectrum tend to make it. Like everything, it should be treated with nuance and measured thoughtfulness instead of emotionally-charged, passionate fervor.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


By your logic, abortion should be legal to birth. I think most moral people believe that a healthy fetus has the right not to be attacked and killed.

It's something that most believe should be highly regulated and that's what Republicans support.
