MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump told you so....

Trump told you so....

Trump called it the China virus and Democrats and the Democrat media hated that.
Now 2 years later, there is strong evidence trump was 100% correct. People with real bad tds actually blamed the worldwide China virus on trump.

Trump wanted to ban tick tock as he said it benefited China and damaged Americans.

2 years later talks of banning tick tock is now getting closer.
Trump was again 100% correct and now 2 years of damage has occured.


TikTok is trash. It should be banned. The only purpose it serves is allowing China to dictate what the under 25 crowd sees.


But Trump wanted to ban it...Democrat voters have to say the opposite.


There was never any doubt that the China Virus came from China and Trump was never blamed for starting it.


That's funny....just state the opposite...brilliant..


the tik tok thing is hilarious. dems citied free speech when Trump wanted to ban it. now you dont hear much about the ban.


Uhh... China is where they've been looking for the host animal, so of course it came from there.

It's like you're trying to use this as proof China used GoF to create it or something.


Host animal? Still don't think it came from the Wuhan lab? Liberals never own up to their bullshit.


Host animal doesn't negate the Wuhan lab theory, dummy.

It had to start from an animal at some point, and Wuhan works with bats.


Trump is always right. He was correct about the origins of the Kung Flu.


Trump is literally a compulsive liar.


Trump is literally a compulsive liar.

Skavau is literally a funded liar.


You have provided no evidence for this. Withdraw it, or I will report you to the moderators.


You have provided no evidence for this. Withdraw it, or I will report you to the moderators.

I withdraw "nothing".


Then I'll report you. You are launching unfounded accusations based on nothing but your own prejudice.


You are a liar, fact, not opinion.


What am I lying about?


This is laughable. Imagine how politically corrupt you must be to believe that Trump lied that often, let alone publish it. The corruption by the establishment bureaucrats who relentlessly attack Trump is the biggest threat to the planet. On the big issues, Trump had a much better record than the American socialists and the globalists. He embarrassed them, and they hated him for that.


Trump lied constantly.

You can check each individual lie and it will outline precisely how he lied.


I will take Trump over Captain Alzheimer's EVERY day of the week. I like a president who can actually walk and talk and doesn't look and come off as an escapee from some mental ward. What in the USA has improved since Sloe Joe took over the WH? You give me your list and then I will provide my list against Hiden Biden. We'll then compare together..


Okay. But this doesn't mean Trump doesn't lie. You claimed he "was always right". Not sure how you can be right when you lie all the time.

Saying Trump is a compulsive liar doesn't mean you're inherently simping for Biden.


Dementia Joe has told over 1 million lies in the past 50 years. When does BBB start?


I'm sure you'll have some documented evidence on that.


During Biden’s first 100 days in the Oval Office, he was repeatedly incorrect or misleading in describing the actions of the Trump administration.


That doesn't look like 1 million lies.

And sure, Biden lies. But politicians do not lie at equal rates.


100 lies for every 100 days, thats a lot of lies over 50 years.


From your own article

"Unlike his uniquely dishonest predecessor, Biden did not bury fact-checkers in a daily avalanche of serial falseness. Biden never came close to making a dozen false claims in a single speech, let alone five dozen false claims in one address, as Trump once did. In fact, the total number of Biden false claims so far is in the dozens, while Trump delivered well over 1,000 total false claims in his own first year and more than 3,000 the next year."


False claims about the Covid-19 pandemic
Many of Biden’s first-year speeches were devoted to the Covid-19 pandemic. Biden was almost incomparably more accurate on this subject than Trump was, tending to factually convey the severity of the situation rather than match his predecessor’s fantastical rhetoric about how bad numbers were not actually bad numbers and how the virus would just disappear.

Dementia Joe is a confirmed liar.


Politifact is a left-leaning lying source

Everything on that list from the first page that I checked is actually true, none of them were lies.

The liberals and funded pawns should know that but they obviously missed the fact that the entire resources of the Deepstate, DNC, and CCP were dedicated to destroy Trump with fabrications, lies and framing.


Did you actually bother checking any of the details, the explanations on that page?

And you think 100,000+ people die from the flu each year?

This is just not true.


Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.


So you're assuming Trump meant globally, as opposed to within the USA?

If we're going to compare global flu deaths vs. COVID deaths = COVID killed over 350,000 in less than a year in the USA alone.


I'm not assuming anything....assuming is what you do.


You mean like assuming, and accusing me of being a China apologist based on no evidence?

Also this was another blatant fabrication:


So now, you are back to deflecting and denying.

This is you: Lie>Deflect>Deny


So apparently, according to you, if someone rejects an allegation made against them that somehow means they're guilty of it?


Of course he was right. Democrats just playing politics, with ZERO regard for the truth. Which means they lie to manipulate the average dumb voter.


Maybe soon we will be right about jan 6th.

Not an insurrection, a riot prompted on with Gov assistance and let occur for hours.

Something happened by a school the other day.
The amount of police presence within 10 min was impressive.
There was a stand down order to allow this to occur.
State police, local police and Capitol police could have shown up fast.
But there was a stand down order so Democrats can have a talking point.

Why Democrats are upset of video being shown makes them look even sketchier


BREAKING : Previously Unseen January 6th Footage


One of the video clips I recently watched, shows a couple of LEOs claiming that it was a setup.
