Just wondering how big is the bubble con-idiots live in. Have you heard?
From the paper of record:
Conservative Media Pay Little Attention to Revelations About Fox News
Even in today’s highly partisan media world, experts said, the lack of coverage about the private comments of Fox’s top executives and hosts stands out.
Fox News and its sister network, Fox Business, have avoided the story. Newsmax and One America News, Fox’s rivals on the right, have steered clear, too. So have a constellation of right-wing websites and podcasts.
Over the past two weeks, legal filings containing private messages and testimony from Fox hosts and executives revealed that many of them had serious doubts that Democrats stole the 2020 presidential election through widespread voter fraud, even as those claims were made repeatedly on Fox’s shows. The revelations, made public in a defamation lawsuit against Fox brought by Dominion Voting Systems, have generated headlines around the world.
But in the conservative media world? Mostly crickets.
That's no surprise. For honest conversation regarding this topic one must go outside of cable news, look at sources that don't have a stake in it, be it those of similar or polar ideology and narratives. The right-leaning sectors won't touch it for fear of losing viewers (which is what got FOX into this mess to begin with), while the left-leaning will exaggerate, generalize and ignore the nuances. The exact same thing happens when the shoe is on the other foot and those roles are reversed. They all play the game. Here's a discussion about it from outside those opposing echo chambers that I found interesting enough to sit through: https://youtu.be/OwXyxVokeIE?t=3159
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
You sound like one of those too-cool guys who have a "Question Authority" bumper sticker on your car. "Never believe" would fit in quite well with an authoritarian regime a la "1984." I believe in the liberal solutions, e. g., fair taxation, individual autonomy over your own body, government regulation of business, reduced military spending and increased social welfare spending. All of these would be achievable if we had a government that truly represents the electorate--look to Europe to see what can be done when you're not chained to a 250-year old document. So what do you believe in, or are you a total cynic?
I'm neither cynical, nor a believer. To be cynical you must disbelieve in something, or believe in something in the negative (often in response to an unpleasant or traumatic experience), producing a mindset of distrust and contempt. My goal, as should be everyone's, is to neither believe, nor disbelieve (because once you do you block out all possibilities outside the scope of that programming and lock yourself into a viewpoint that's more difficult to change even in the face of an overwhelmingly contradictory reality), but to instead form fluid conclusions that adapt based on the best information currently available, empirically observing reality outside the context of an obfuscating sense of self (i.e. without putting yourself at the center of your worldview). Only then can you see with clarity and accuracy. Never think that you know something with certainty, i.e. never believe.
The ideas you espoused have merit to various degrees, within reason and within the framework of conditions that maximize productive value to society. But for increased social welfare spending there's a glaring caveat of how it is spent (e.g. don't just give people handouts). People are very programmable. Give them money for nothing and they'll be conditioned to expect exactly that, caged by compassion. Let them struggle and they'll learn to fight for what they want. A safety net of some type is necessary to catch those who fall through the cracks, but only if it's designed to help them to their feet and teach them to stand on their own, and to then in turn help others who need it. Trapping them in a cycle of welfare is a disservice to them and to future generations.
I don't limit what I think may work for society with a label, nor lock into a subscribed ideology interested only in self-preservation. I'm not liberal. I'm not conservative. I'm neither, and I am both. And if that irks you or induces an eye-roll instead of intrigues you to seek out further rumination, be aware that such behaviors reveal only the nature and level of your own sagacity.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
A mature, enlightened response. Thank you for your contribution.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
That's the only response possible to the type of Randian bs you were espousing. Your epigrams sound like the creation of a 10-year-old and your fake condescension reeks of brittle self-importance. You think your some sort of Wittgenstein but your real soul-brother would be Frankenstein. Now say "duh," it's time for go-to-bed.
Hey, you asked: "So what do you believe in, or are you a total cynic?". And I answered. You have only yourself to blame. You may want to spend some time in self-reflection pondering why the answer bothers you so much. Hint: letting the words of a random person on the internet have power over how you think and feel is your first mistake. Especially revealing is that you perceived condescension (i.e. an attitude of patronizing superiority; disdain) in what I imparted about my outlook. How you proceed from this point is entirely in your hands, and yours alone.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
I'll bet a majority of the conservative media feels the same way about tRump and his election lies as the phony talking heads on Fox, so they certainly aren't going to call attention to any of this.
many years ago CNN and MSNBC were blatantly caught coaching crowds and faking news from their own video outtakes. nothing happened. The cult of Cuomo was too strong. boomers and millennials lost the ability to think on their own.