Do white liberals think that conservatives feel guilt about black african enslavement and colonailism?
Do white liberals think that conservatives feel guilt about black african enslavement and colonailism?
shareDo white liberals think that conservatives feel guilt about black african enslavement and colonailism?
shareI think Jewish military girls are hot. Over 90 percent of the south people didn't own slaves so shouldn't blamed. So lets just stay with the hot Jewish girls that all white guys think are hot.
I am white but not a liberal. My family only goes back to the early 1900s in this country.
Tell me why I am "supposed to" feel "guilt" over slavery.
Or why someone is responsible for what their ancestors who they never met did.
Does that mean the children/grandchildren of the people who a trucker nearly to death during the Rodney king riots are responsible for what they did?
Or any descendant of a criminal is responsible for what their criminal ancestors did? Even if they never met them?
I asked a white liberal once why I, someone who has never owned any human beings, should give money to people who have never been owned by another person in their entire lives. The idiot had a very weak response that made him look all the dumber because he couldn't counter-act it.
shareI am more concerned about or feel more empathy for the Amer. Indian and reparations should be the conversation for them instead.
Slavery is over.
The mistreatment of the Amer. Ind. still goes on.
Yeah, they really don't know how to take care of themselves with all that money and presents the govt. gives them for free.
shareWhat presents and money are you talking about?
Indian reservations are among the most poverty stricken in the country of those tribes that do not benefit from casinos.
Should they be ignored?
In the meantime native women go missing and are never found.
It is ignored in the media because they are not white.
Not that I would expect you to care because Cons and Repubs. never do not knowing what compassion is.
Most indian reservations get govt. stipends monthly, and do not pay taxes.
What I'm saying is, the free handouts aren't helping them. Part of the reason they're in poverty is because the govt. taught most of them to be helpless, and many turn to drugs and crime because of the hopelessness that is common in reservations. They don't face nearly as much prejudice as they did in the last century, and a few find ways out of it, but they are in the minority.
Native Americans have it in them to get out of poverty, but they see no point in it because they get free money from the US govt. and are not motivated enough to get off their asses and get off the reservation. So excuse me if I have no sympathy for those who make careers out of being a victim when they never had to in the first place.
The free "presents" I speak of are things like snowmobiles the Inuits in Alaska get for free from the govt. in Alaska. Many are ridden until they break, and abandoned by the natives, who don't bother to maintain their vehicles because the govt. will just replace them. Like I said, the free handouts cause more problems than those they claim to fix.
And last time I checked, I don't exactly see you going in there, waving a magic wand, and making it all better, so get off your high-horse, Warren. Compassion is teaching your children how to fish, it does not mean stealing fish from those who work hard for the fish and giving it to people who don't know how in a false form of kindness. Making others dependent on you through fake Robin Hood behavior is not heroic and never was. People like you are more than happy to be generous with other people's money, particularly if you think you can "stick it" to the people you don't like. Until I see you personally being generous with YOUR money and time with the people you claim to care about, I'm not going to take anything you say seriously.
"What I'm saying is, the free handouts aren't helping them."
Funny how that works, yet a liberal will never recognize it.
Typical BS coming from a typical Con. who doesn't care.
Where are you getting all that from?
Other online sources show the real reasons and not the white washed version as you put forth.
Yeah, way to generalize and make them all look bad to keep up your hatred.
There is no compassion in harming and killing others which includes fish.
Way to keep on showing that you have no compassion or know how to care.
Not that I would expect you to for a people that are still suffering from over 500 years which includes genocide, forced relocation, the kidnapping to force white ways of schooling on their children and so many other atrocities.
So now I have to humor you by taking up causes with my money and time just for you to take me seriously?
Child, please.
Like I should care what you think about me.
And have you walked the walk and talked the talk for every single thing that might have bothered you in some way?
Or are you a typical Con that just doesn't care and doesn't take any action for their causes or concerns.
I'll take you seriously after you read Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.
I think they would feel more guilt knowing their own party fought tooth and nail to keep black people as slaves, and they were the ones responsible for the founding of the KKK, the Jim Crow laws, and the War on Poverty that has destroyed 75% of black families in America.
But then again, they've never let reality and historical data stop them from the BS guilt trip. They'll tell themselves the same BS revisionist history about "southern Democrats turning Republican" and other shit like that to take away responsibility for their party's actions. They have a seriously bad "white savior" complex and want to be heroes to all the downtrodden, even when people don't want it or need it.
They completely ignore the fact that we already paid black people back with the blood of over 300,000 soldiers in the Civil War for their freedom, and that we've paid them back already by getting rid of segregation in the 1960s. But nope. It's never enough, is it? The race hustlers still want to swindle hard-working white Americans out of money, long after we paid black people back 10x over for enslavement.
You could have just written, "No," instead of going off on some kind of BS tangent and rant.
Don't paint with such a broad brush...Not all "white liberals" support reparations!
shareGuilt Shmuilt. Get over it!
shareOf course not because Cons do not know the meaning of the words, "compassion, care and love," since they are the side that is incapable of ever feeling any of those and they were the side that had the slaves.
shareThe communist press and politicians will throw out repriation money for a while to get attention. But black people will never have a population in having the votes to get a nationwide give me money law.