MovieChat Forums > Politics > If Harry and Meghan can sue South Park f...

If Harry and Meghan can sue South Park for satire...

...does this mean Trump can sue Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, Jimmy Kimmel and SNL for the same thing?

And before anyone attacks me for being a 'conservative' or a 'MAGA-supporter', I absolutely DETEST Trump with a passion, BUT I also take exception to those individuals who believe they're beyond satire because 'they're goodie-goodie nice liberal progressives'.

Fuck that! No-one, except perhaps children, the disabled (with a few exceptions, e.g. Madison Cawthorne), and the terminally ill, is beyond mockery.


No, they can't.


I know they can't, but I'm curious about the legal basis for their supposed intention to 'sue'.


Unfortunately, like a good deal of the news on the web, it was click-bait... completely made up story to funnel traffic to the website.

Reuters, The Economist, AP,CBS,NBC,BBC,ABC didn't carry THIS story.

A win for mainstream media.


Maybe it's time for Harry and Meghan to put their heads under the parapet for a while. Too many stories/headlines are popping up with their names, and although I appreciate that they want to counter the lies, the more they speak, the more the rumour-mill goes into overdrive. If they were to keep a low-profile, no-one would care.


I know they can't, but I'm curious about the legal basis for their supposed intention to 'sue'.

They don't have any intention to sue. People are just speculating due to the fact that they weren't named in the episode, and some of the details were changed. I think it was just Matt and Trey taking artist license with the subject, rather than directly mirroring it. They probably thought it was more funny that way. Another example would be Garrison Trump. It hard to do satire on Trump and be more outrageous than the actual person, so instead they created Garrison Trump, purposely trying to lose the election, an promising to fuck and entire country to death.

If there were a threat of an actual lawsuit, I think they would push the line as far as possible. This is a show that has had Tom Cruise work in a fudge packing plant, and locked him in a closet just to make gay jokes about him. They also showed Mohammad when there were terrorist threats against them.


Harry and Meghan have never indicated they were going to sue South Park anyway, so the point, if it can even be called that, is moot.

On the other hand, trump HAS tried to sue similar people, Bill Maher for example, so trump is the only person you've mentioned who believes he is above mockery.

That of course didn't prevent trump from basically mocking himself when he tried to take Maher to court because he wanted to use his birth certificate to prove his father wasn't an orangutan. LOL


Everyone already thinks Trump is an asshole (and the people who don't are morons who don't matter, and likely never will). Harry and Meghan are still regarded as martyrs and champions among certain people you'd expect to know better.

I can't be arsed with Trump, because it's like shooting fish in a barrel. Back in the 90s and 00s, I enjoyed taking potshots at Trump, because EVERYONE was still simping for the misogynist, racist plutocrat, including the Clintons. Now, it's all been done. Everyone's jumped on my bandwagon, and it feels like old hat to repeat the same old boring digs at the fat buffoon (which is why I find the 'comedy' of people like Colbert and Oliver so dull and uninspired these days), whereas it actually feels a bit more original to talk down Harry and Meghan.

Sorry, but as the ORIGINAL woke progressive, I believe in being AHEAD of the curve, as I was with Trump, instead of just following everyone else, which is what the DULLARDS do. I prize ORIGINAL thought; NOT parroting and bandwagon jumping, which is frankly PATHETIC in my book.


Which of course is all beside the point and/or irrrelevant to the discussion since your suggestion that Harry and Meghan are considering suing South Park is unfounded so moot.


I've read that they are very hurt and offended by the recent show. Bahh. They need to get a grip. They seem to be offended by the implication that some people don't like them. Better not let them see the latest US and UK approval ratings for the couple. Oh dear... 🤐


Did you read "they are very hurt and offended" at the same place you read that they were suing South Park?
