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Will My Fellow Leftists and Liberals Stop Calling for the US to be Split?

Especially after we've heard sicko white supremacist moron, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, call for the very thing.

Approx 620,000 Americans died to keep the US united, so why would any of you want to throw that away? Why would any of you want to permanently surrender the red states to people who would no doubt try to bring back slavery given the opportunity.

Yes, SCOTUS has erred recently, but it and the federal government has done far more good in protecting American citizens from the scourge of extremist state legislators and courts than bad. Please don't ever surrender that to the likes of MTG and other extremists.


No, they won't. In fact, you making this post endangers your cancellation and new status as politically homeless like a lot of us are now.

Be careful out there.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.


It's weird that I should be considered 'politically homeless' for berating MTG, as a lot of people in Congress, on both sides of the aisle, are doing.

If anything, my views are the *mainstream*. It's the extremists and wingnuts (who admittedly take a lot of the oxygen) who are out-of-touch.


Mainstream thought, or mainstream narrative?

There's a very important distinction to be made here...


Indeed, it's no secret that the "again" in MAGA refers to those halcyon days before the 13th Amendment...


Pretty much. I mean, at the very least, they'd like to go back to the pre-civil rights era, but long-term wise, many of them would love to find a way to bring back slavery.


many of them would love to find a way to bring back slavery.

How do you come to this conclusion?


It's just a hunch I have. Maybe I'm being unfair, but what's to stop the far-right from trying to repeal the 13th Amendment if they secede from the rest of the USA?

reply, it's actually quite a leap to suggest modern-day Americans would willingly force their neighbors into chain-gangs, because reasons?

Also, your comments about repealing the 13th amendment and succession... It's a sick fantasy that will never happen. If you believe any of this to be real...buddy you have some serious issues going on upstairs.


I truly hope I'm wrong, which is why I am distressed by MTG's talk of secession, although, to be fair, most other Republicans, and certainly all mainstream Democrats, condemned her nonsense.

Still, my fellow leftists, liberals and centrists, should NEVER surrender to such nonsense or indulge the idea of splitting the US, especially after so much blood was spilled to keep it unified during the 1860s.


if your toast falls butter side down, it's the "far right" no?


Sounds like you admire those days.


Didn’t realize MTG was a white supremacist.

What evidence is there to support this?

Did her party found the KKK? Was she best friends with a former grand wizard? Oh wait that was Biden.

So what evidence is there of MTG being a white supremacist?


When she talks about 'Jewish space lasers' one has to wonder.

And yes, the Democatic Party was originally the party of the KKK and segregation. It's an important part of US history and should not be forgotten (personally, I always felt the Democratic Party should ENTIRELY rebrand itself). Still, the point is, what does the present DNC represent, and what does the present GOP represent, and right now, there is a scary white Christian nationalist wing that is very dominant within the latter, of which both MTG and Trump are clear proponents.


Won't happen since there is too much money involved. You'd be surprised how much the Cons rely on Socialism even though they despise it. Kentucky is one example.


I hope you're right, although I do wish Americans, of whatever political stripe, would speak with more unified rhetoric, instead of putting down red states or blue states. Remember, not everyone in those states feel represented by their respective state legislatures.

And as a leftist (and I'm assuming you're one too, if I'm inferring your post correctly) we should fight for the rights of ALL people, even the assholes. Not all poor Black women, for example, support progressive/liberal political ideology, but that doesn't mean we should allow them, or indeed any other poor Black woman, find themselves on the receiving end of classism, racism, or sexism. We should be universalists, and stand up against all forms of oppression, however we may personally feel about some of the victims (including the ones who live in Kentucky).
