MovieChat Forums > Politics > The Demonisation of the Undersexed

The Demonisation of the Undersexed

I don't get it.

Obviously, misogynist men have long liked to demonise 'sad lonely cat ladies', but, thankfully, most leftists and progressives frown on such cruelty (although that doesn't stop people from continuing to use 'homely' and 'ugly' as shorthand devices to demonise women on social media and popular culture).

However, the demonisation of undersexed men seems to be a 'legitimised' form of hatred among certain parts of 'respectable' and 'politically correct' society.

I understand the demonisation of right-wing, misogynist 'incels' who blame their failures on women, and engage in virulently nasty and sexist rhetoric, but I just came across an article for The Independent about so-called 'Chads', that says "Just as Western society reserves little empathy for the men who have too little sex, so it has an uncertain relationship with the men who have too much."

It also talks about "We all know about the men who fail at dating apps. The men we sometimes call incels. The men whose Hinge acts like it’s stuck in airplane mode. The men whose only experience of eye contact with a woman happens on TikTok. The men with no likes. The men who cope and seethe online. But what about the chads?" as if it stands to reason that men who 'fail at dating apps' and have 'no likes' will automatically turn to misogynist hate.

Isn't that what's called 'victimisation'? We're assuming that because someone's unlucky or had bad circumstances, they're going to turn out to be evil. We wouldn't do that with any other marginalised or disadvantaged group, so why homely, ugly and awkward men?

I think the assumption (and it's the reverse of the one misogynist men have for 'lonely cat women'), is that if a man is not turning a woman on, he must be a waste of space, or that since no woman's judgement can ever be wrong, single men must be innately awful people.

But this isn't feminism. It's female supremacy. It assumes (just as the misogynist who won't acknowledge that they/men in general can be at fault) that NO woman ever makes a mistake or has poor judgement. It's also fundamentally ANTI-FEMINIST, because it treats sex like a reward for good behaviour, rather than recognise that the heart wants what it wants, and morality, reason and good judgement rarely comes into it, whatever gender one is (and, fwiw, that's not a criticism; it's just LIFE).

Such demonisation makes little sense, because in my personal experience, undersexed men tend to be more progressive and left-wing than oversexed so-called Chads. Anxious and neurotic people, who are sexually underconfident, tend, in my experience, to be more socially-conscious than 'big dick swinging' types. Look at Trump, as ghastly as he may be for many women today, he was having a lot of sex back in the 70s, 80s and 90s. Your typical, sweet-natured, ultra-'woke' Zillennial (to their credit) are a lot more cautious about asking women out. The irony is that this is behaviour that is scorned by the far-right likes of Jordan Petersen and Andrew Tate.

So, like I say, why are we making lonely single men OR women, feel bad about themselves? They're usually the good people, but also usually the ones with the lowest self-esteem and worst mental health. We should pick them up, not dump on them.

Is this yet another example of the left being its own worst enemy?

And just to be crystal clear, I am NOT defending self-identifying incels who engage in misogynist forums and groups; VERY far from it. But there's a big difference between an entitled woman-hating incel (i.e. a genuine bad guy), and a guy who likes and respects women, but is simply 'unlucky in love', and as a consequence may be somewhat undersexed.


I don't think you'll get many replies to this, as there are a ton of points to address, but anyways...

Online dating is a fools game for men under 5'10". Dating apps have filters, and if you don't fall into the doesn't matter how engaging/funny your bio is, how good your pictures are, you WILL NOT be seen by the women you swipe, like, or message. Only 10-15% of Men have any real success on the apps. Why? Because 90% of the women are chasing them due to the strict filters the women use.

Attractive, successful men of average height have much much better odds meeting women in public settings, or face-to-face singles meet-ups.

Feminism has created incels, redpillers, mgtow, and various other pro-men groups. These men would normally be having families supplying the machine with new cogs(babies), but why bother trying to please an uggo, or half-hamplanet when they are just as entitled as the hot girls? Single life is too awesome now. Hottie or highway.

The feminists have no one to blame but their own hateful ideology for all of this.

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I've not yet used a dating site, although I am over 5'10". 🤷‍♂️


You'll probably do okay, but be're joining a meat market of dick. Dick is fungible, oversupplied, and only biggest and girthiest will survive.

You will lose your soul either way. Good luck.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.


Got any CliffsNotes?


Why is it considered okay to demonise the undersexed, even those who aren't in fact misogynist incels, but are simply 'unlucky in love', and thus undersexed?

We shouldn't treat sex like a reward, and we shouldn't punch down at men OR women who are lonely and undersexed. We also shouldn't assume that because someone is lonely and undersexed they are bad people. Like I say, sex is not a reward. The heart wants what it wants (i.e. morality and merit has nothing to do with sexual attraction, and that's perfectly fine, but let's not *pretend* otherwise).


What world are you living in? LOL You crack me up! Who in the she-hulk's panties talks down on people not getting sex? You're watching too much Mean Girls or Clueless.


People bag on everyone. The over sexed. The under sexed. All races and sexes.

It’s easier to blame and hate others than it is to take accountability and better oneself to overcome one’s shortcomings.

A lot of people make a living encouraging the blame and hate first attitude. From TikTok dating coaches, to politicians, to corporate media, to big university social science departments.

Pointing the finger is an easy sell.


take accountability and better oneself to overcome one’s shortcomings

The left's kryptonite.


100% agreed. We're nasty to everyone. Still, we should avoid 'punching down' at the disadvantaged and the afflicted.


I think the rise of incels is because of 1) the prevalence of the internet; You can now spend all your time at home watching Netflix and surfing the web, something we're all guilty of whether we're single or not. This means that people who are single don't go out and meet people in real life. 2) There has been a rise in calling guys creeps or creepy, who try and engage in conversations with women. These men might not be as good looking, or as confident, so they might come off as a little awkward. So there is this double standard. If you're good looking and confident, women like when you talk to them, if you're not then you're a creep. I imagine that this is deflating to many guys, so they don't see the point in trying.

And as you correctly pointed out there is a lot of misandrists in our culture, so it's become acceptable to denigrate men.


I did avoid the word 'misandrist'. I don't want to go down *that* rabbit-hole.

In fact, I might a clear point that it wasn't so much anti-male rhetoric I was deriding but hatred from both men and women to anyone of the *opposite* sex who 'wasn't getting any'.

Good-looking, so-called Chads and Staceys, don't get any abuse, and if they do, their 'abusers' are immediately called-out.

It's this weird post-Columbine phenonenon, where it's now become supposedly 'politically correct' to know the weirdos, the freaks and the outcasts, when in earlier generations, it was the popular jocks and cheerleaders who it was okay to scorn. Hence, why it's now 'hip' to hate on Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. If Edward Scissorhands were being made, Scissorhands would be the 'bad guy', and Jim, the jock, and his blonde, blue-eyed girlfriend, Amber, would be the heroes. 🙄🤦‍♂️ And they'd contrive it so that poor deformed outcast Edward *did* in fact abuse Amber, rather than, as we see in this BRILLIANT film, him being framed and lied about.

Weird how our supposedly 'woke' and 'progressive' society has gone backwards when it comes to how we treat the outcasts and weirdos.

That's neoliberalism for you. Instead of challenging the system that had oppressed them for hundreds of years, POC and the LGBTQ+ community figured that the goal was to *join* the popular kids.


You are on point sir. Yes, the Woke is so anti-racist that they are racist against white people. They are so against sexism that they are sexist against men. They are so for the under-dog and the underprivileged that they support elites and are part of the elite club themselves. They care so much about the downtrodden that they look down on them.
The Wokerati are the most disgusting creatures I've ever had the misfortune of interacting with.

And bingo on Neoliberalism. It has destroyed our country, created massive wealth inequality, privatized nearly everything, so instead of providing a service, everything is for profit, and profit comes before anything else. This insidious and bankrupt ideology that props up our economic system has been thoroughly discredited, yet we are still under its thumb, and this has lead our country, society, economy, and empire, to the brink of collapse.


I don't entirely agree with you about 'wokism', although I do feel that were it not for neoliberalism, and the dog-eat-dog, zero-sum-game ethos promoted by neoliberalism, and its emphasis at individual financial success at the expense of communities, there would be less need to emphasise so-called 'woke' ideals, because *everyone* would already be getting a fair piece of the pie, rather than it simply going all to one person, or group, or the other.

But right now, the emphasis isn't on egalitarianism and communitarianism, but on various special interest groups, including those represented by the far-right and the far-left, fighting selfishly and in complete bad faith to be top dog.

I don't have a problem with regarding myself as 'woke' (as much as that may bother you), but I am NOT woke at the expense of white people or men. I'm woke in the belief that we should level the playing field. Sometimes that *does* depend on 'depriving' traditionally privileged groups, but NOT to make them worse-off than traditionally marginalised ones; just to ensure that *everyone* is equal, and no one is better-off purely on account of intrinsic identities, like sex and race.


I should probably clarify what I mean by "woke". The problem with this term is that it has been co-opted by right wingers. What I'm talking about when I use that term, I'm referring to issues relating to identity, diversity, inclusion, representation, and equity. The woke cult is obsessed with these and they feel entitled to impose them on the reset of us. What the right wing did is, they noticed that all the various ideas under the woke umbrella were liberal/progressive ideas, so they started to use the term to refer to liberals and progressives. When that happened the term started to have a broader and broader meaning until it lost all its meaning, because the right wingers started to use the term to any idea supported by liberals/progressives. So something like helping the poor is considered woke by some right wingers, which is ridiculous. Supporting the poor is not a partisan issue. There are religious conservatives, for example Catholics, that care deeply about the poor. I even heard some right wingers conflating socialism and communism with wokeism. This is particularly irksome to me since I know many socialists who loath wokies, because wokies are all about identity and socialists are about class. Wokies are also capitalists, and really if we are being honest, they are just rainbow fascists, socialists are anti-capitalist and pro working class. Being pro working class means that you stand in solidarity with conservatives and Trumpers. A wokie could never do that. They are too insular, tribalistic, and hyper-partisan.


Above I gave you an explanation of what I mean by woke, here I will give you a more formal definition.

I've actually created this definition of "Woke" and I've submitted it to the Urban Dictionary. It was recently approved.

Generally speaking it is a pejorative and an umbrella term for a constellation of ideas relating to identity and social justice. More broadly it has to do with progressive ideas or ideology. It is associated with cancel culture and is similar to SJW, Politically Correct, or identity politics.

In the context of media it is:
1) The obsession with, and glorification of, identity, diversity, inclusion,
and equity to the point of absurdity.

2) Pandering to minorities.

3) Excessive veneration of LGBTQ people and minorities and the denigration of white cis heterosexual males.

Woke people (The Wokerati) tend to be authoritarian, sanctimonious, hyper-moralizing, virtue-signaling, tribalistic, cultish and generally off-putting/repulsive to all normal human beings.

If you look and sound like you spend all your time in the racial/gender studies department of academia you are most likely woke.


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I can't get no girl reaction
