MovieChat Forums > Politics > We Shouldn't Glamourise Suicide NOR shou...

We Shouldn't Glamourise Suicide NOR should we demonise the suicidal

Yes, the aim should be to STOP people taking their own lives, but let's not be ignorant and pretend that people don't build up suicidal thoughts for days, weeks, months and even years before they choose to take their own lives. Sometimes it's spontaneous; sometimes it's successful. Other times, it's due to a long period of intense mental distress and depression, and, thankfully, not all suicide attempts are successful (I say 'thankfully' for the MOST part, but, alas, there are some 'unsuccessful suicide attempts' in which the survivor sadly comes out badly, either physically, or because society has cruelly judged them; we can't do much about the former, but we CAN stop demonising attempted suicide survivors!)

This is why we should always seek to deglamourise the *act* of suicide, *without* making the *suicidal* feel worse about their thoughts (or, in some instances, unsuccessful actions). Condemning people for *feeling* suicidal may, in fact, likely will, make them feel even worse about themselves, and, ironically, push them to actually commit the act (i.e. "If I'm a terrible person no matter what I do or think, what's the point of living?")

A sanctiomonious, cold-hearted, finger-wagging, stiff-upper-lip "You shouldn't have done that" approach, is NOT what depressed and psychologically distressed people need. NO, what they need is to be told and convinced that they have a reason to live, and that they shouldn't keep beating themselves up.


Who glamorizes suicide? Japan...maybe...but that's more for the honor. Suicide is a sin...don't do it!


I offered this note of caution, just in case anyone thinks that by asking us to all be more empathetic and compassionate to suicidal people, I'm somehow 'glamourising' or 'downplaying' how awful suicide is.


I wouldn't commit suicide even if it was me against 50 zombies. When I was in my early twenties one of my closest friends was taken by a guy who claimed he loved her. He kidnapped her in his car and took her all up n down the highway confessing his love for her like a raving lunatic. Long story short he ended up pulling over and told her that he was going to kill both of them if he couldn't have her. She cried her way out of it and he ended up sticking two guns in his mouth and pulled the triggers. My girl hasn't been the same since. True story.


I'm sorry for your friend. Obviously, the individual who kidnapped her was not just a lunatic, but he was selfish and narcissistic. Not all mentally ill/suicidal people possess those traits. Most of them are a bigger threat to themselves than they are to anyone else (hence why they resort to suicide, or self-harm, rather than hurting others).

I think if I were up against 50 zombies, that would be a rare instance where I would favour suicide over the pain of being attacked by them/turned into a mindless being.


That's the thing...the offender was a really sweet boy. He was 19 at the time. He was the proud son of a state police officer and one of those races where they are so proud to be that race and come from where they come from. His parents were going through a divorce and I think that's what triggered him. IDK though because do guys care about their parents divorcing? Maybe he did do it for love. I've seen stranger things.

Oh and I didn't watch eight years of the Walking Dead just to let 50 zombies scare me. 🤣


Well, I don't know what to suggest in the hypothetical case of that 19-year-old boy, assuming no one saw it coming. I do know he was old enough to know better.

I was *a little* messed-up as a 14-year-old (not that I ever hurt anyone), but by 19, I was well-adjusted enough to know better than this lunatic (which is not to say I haven't made any mistakes since, but kidnapping someone and threatening suicide if they didn't reciprocate my feelings, is a whole other world of messed-up).

And if I could work out a way to escape the 50 zombies, of course I'd favour that option. I'm just thinking of a scenario in which there was absolutely NO other option but death by zombies or death by a gun to my head.


Canada started up recently.


Oh yeah assisted suicide. I got touchee'ed because of Canada. LOL Fucking Canada..motherfuckers!


Go back to pushing the whole “Andrew Tate is guilty til proven innocent!”

This thread is idiotic.
