We Need To Think Smart to Counter Extremism
Simply wagging our fingers at the far-right probably won't work.
Instead, figure out what these people *do* value (chances are, it won't be the same things as us progressives), and convince them that they're not living by their *own* standards/that they are hypocrites. For instance, look at all the alt-right idiots falling for Kayne West (a Black man who once called out President Bush's racism) and now, Andrew Tate, a biracial Muslim FFS! Even by their *own* standards, right-wingers have completely lost the plot.
Cognitive Dissonance: It's the most powerful psychological weapon at our disposal. Challenge people by their *own* standards, not by *our* own standards. They're not going to feel bad about falling short of *our* standards (in fact, they probably see it as a badge of honour to push-back against what we believe), but they *will* feel bad about falling short of their *own* standards.