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Entitlement Culture

Too many people think it's a badge of honour to be rude and mean to others. 'Be kind' is openly derided as seen as a sign of weakness, as best, and a ploy for people to lower their defences and risk being oppressed, at worst. No one starts off on the basis of good faith. We all automatically distrust one another and assume the worst. But if *you're* operating from a good place (assuming you are) why do you assume others are not? Surely such cynicism can only be justified if one is themselves a mendacious troll, and, like I say, if one is not, why would one assume others are?

So, yes, let's all try to be nice to one another, rather than assume it's a virtue and a God-given right to be an a-hole. Too much to ask?


People seem to be misanthropes by nature.


Some people. Not everyone. The fact you've observed this hopefully indicates that you're not one. Maybe a pessimist (as I occasionally am), but not a misanthrope.


I'm friendly to everyone. I say hello to strangers and smile and I even let people in front of me on the road!


Good to know. Keep it up. You're not the only one who tries to be a good person, although it may sometimes feel that way!


ROTFLMAO!!!!! You're gaslighting!

You're among the biggest trolls on this site.


Says Keeliar the undisputed Queen of trolls.




Says the person with 24,143 posts of lies and deceit. If the biggest troll says you're the biggest troll, you're probably doing something right.


Yet you can never point out any lies.


There are 24,197 of them and counting. All your posts are lies.


Yet you can never point out any lies.


I point out your lies every day.





I knew you couldn't find anything specific. The only liar is you and your cult buddies. Put up or shut up!


Every. Single. Post.


Be specific.


You LIED and said I make racist post and when I asked for proof, countless times, you slunk away like the coward you are then you reported me for stalking. Now's you chance. Where's those racist posts I made?


I held on for about 38-40 years before embracing misanthropy.

Humans are are disease in need of meteor cleansing.

People think they are wayyyy more important than they really are, especially the woke crowd. My god, you're not special people, deal with it.


Lol! I try to remain positive.


It’s hammered into kids, especially female, that they can do no wrong. That they’re queens. Their parents encourage this, blaming everything on teachers.

Kids of the last 20 years have been raised on “we must boost their self esteem and never correct them or tell them no”. It’s had drastic consequences as we now have a generation who has no idea how to handle not getting their way. They’re insecure and mental midgets.

Self esteem and self confidence is acquired through hard work, over coming challenges. Not being told you’re perfect, yes you deserve everything you want.

This entitled attitude is what leads people to not be kind or giving. They’re too self absorbed to even consider they’re the problem.


Possibly, although I would say that the opposite (i.e. putting kids down, and making them feel worthless when they 'don't measure up') is even worse, and a prime example of 'not being kind'.

Still, there has to be a balance. Too much self-esteem is toxic (it leads to arrogance, hubris and entitlement), but too little is arguably even worse (and is what often leads to criminality; if a person has a low self-image, they have nothing to maintain, and so, as far as they're concerned, what difference does it make if they shoot up a school or office).

But I agree that putting people on a pedestal and encouraging them to believe they're right, even when they're wrong, is not the best way to raise a child. And we have to teach boys and girls that no one is perfect, themselves included, and to try to acknowledge, and thus apologise for, mistakes on their own part rather than believing that other people are always the problem.




Relax cowboy...we all know the only thing your other hand is holding is your little pecker when you're pissing into the wind.


It is cute when you try and be tough though.




Most people truly are sick and tired of this culture of rudeness. That's why Joe Biden skated into the White House and the GOP got way underperformed in the midterm election.


Because the GOP are full of rude people?

I mean, I agree (if Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor-Green, and indeed Trump, are anything to go by), but I just want to be clear what you're saying.


Lol! Leftists are the rudest people on the planet.


Your people are nuts and have no manners. Fight and threaten people by themselves in mobs. You guys destroy your communities and cities...making them unrecognizable. In the kind of places your kind dwells it's best to mind your own business instead of getting involved to help a poor victim. LOL yeah the culture of warmth and invitingness.


Most towns and communities are filled with people who are still friendly with each other. We don't live in a time of block parties anymore but neighbors will still lend and help each other out. A majority of the people are still normal and want normal things for their communities even though they are forced to be silent. It's only leftist, alphabet people, Antifa, and democrap politicians that call for violence and crime in the cities.


This ain't your scene, my friend.


Nice to know I'm your 'friend' after you called me an 'establishment hack' in another thread. 🙂


I'm always civil, even if I disagree with you.


'Establishment hack' is 'civil'? 🤔


It's a polite barb.


It may surprise people to find out, that while I can be quite acerbic on this site — I enjoy slaying retards for sport — in real life, I'm actually really kind and very polite. I really like when I can do something nice for strangers, it always makes their day. It can even be something as simple as holding the door for someone, or just smile at them. I always think of someone who might be having a bad day — maybe they had an argument with their partner right before leaving the house or a just a stressful day at work, and you could change their mood simply by doing a small gesture that doesn't cost you anything, but it can mean a lot to them.

However, there are situations in real life where I would do a 180 and become hostile and caustic. For example, I once read a Reddit post about a guy who spent sometime in Mexico and was given traditional Mexican clothes to wear by friends. He wore them there in order to fit better within their culture. When he came back to the US, he got on a bus and was wearing the same clothes. Then out of nowhere, some entitled woke сunt decided to accost him and lecture him about cultural appropriation, and told him that he can't wear those clothes because he's white and it's offensive to Mexicans. So you have an ignorant stupid bitch, who is dead wrong about everything, getting in somebody's face and imposing her retarded views on them .
If this was me, I would spit in her face, degrade her publicly on that bus, and make here understand that the world would be a better place without her in it.
Another example that I heard about is some radical feminist calling out a man for holding the door open for her, and calling him a sexist. Once again, if it was me, I would let her know that she's being a cunt and tell her that she doesn't belong in a civilized society.


I'm glad to read that you can be nice to strangers, but I'm not sure you should be referring to anyone as 'retards' or spitting in anyone's face, no matter how much of a jerk they are.

By all means, call out jerks, but don't physically accost them, or spit at them, and try to avoid the 'c' word, especially when talking to women.


Hard disagree on this. First of all, I am fiercely anti-woke and against controlling people's speech and any form of censorship, so I intentionally use words like "retard", "cunt" "fаggоt" and even "nіggеr" as a way of fighting back and resisting. I do not use these slurs when I am talking about gay people or black people, I only use them when I refer to the word itself, like I'm doing here, or when I'm saying them in the context of quoting someone. The other reason I like to use all these offensive words is because I like to get spicy. To me it's not only funny but also fun.
I don't respect anyone's rules against using these words, and I consider the people who are offended by them to be too fragile to participate in discourse.

As for physically accosting really rude and disgusting people, yeah, you're probably right, spitting in someone's face is probably going too far. I'm not saying that I wouldn't do it, but I agree that I shouldn't.


Judging by some of your other recent posts, it seems we're not *that* far away from one another, politically-speaking.

Still, I can't say I agree with using any of those aforementioned words, even if I trust what you say about not using them in the context of the communities they were originally designed to marginalise.

How do you know that you're not talking to someone who is directly affected by those words, when you use them online?


From your other posts I agree, we're pretty simpatico on pretty much everything, aside from a few minor issues.
It's OK, we don't have to agree on everything, just as long as we respect each other or at least try to understand where each of us is coming from, I think it's fine. It's actually good to have disagreements and argue. This not only makes life more interesting, but it always gives you an opportunity to hear another point of view and maybe learn something new. You might even discover that you were wrong about something and change your views. I think this is a good thing. It improves us as human beings.

How do you know that you're not talking to someone who is directly affected by those words, when you use them online?

It's not so much of whether I know they are affected or not, it's more that I don't care. I believe being able to use these words is more important than someone's feelings. I believe that adults should be able to hear these words without losing their shit and throwing a tantrum. I do however recognize that they are not always appropriate in every context so one should be mindful of that. But that has more to do with etiquette and courtesy rather than some woke prohibition.
Having said that, If I'm talking to someone and they are being nice, but ask me not to use some of these words because it really bothers them, and they explain to me why, I will often accommodate them (assuming they give me a really good reason and not just because they're oversensitive pussies). However again, I do this out of courtesy and only for them. I will still use these words with other people.
But... Even for those people that I do accommodate, it will bother me that I can't use those words around them, so even though they might be nice and I like them, I will most likely just avoid them. I can't have any friends that are bothered by the words I use. I have to feel free around them.


Here's a prime example of what I mean by entitlement culture:

Whereas in the past we'd praise people for putting others ahead of themselves, the Tic Toc generation seem to believe it's a *virtue* to be selfish, stand their ground and yield to no-one, and so they praise a smug, selfish 'influencer' who refused to change her seat on a plane so a family could reasonably sit together.


I can understand the perspective that she booked her seat early, and she didn’t want to give it up. That’s fine.

But the smug way she bragged about it online with fuck them kids playing in the background is disgusting. It’s really no surprise that miserable woman is traveling alone.


Very fair point.

I can sympathise with the principle of her retaining her seat (and even though it would have been a nice thing to make concessions for the family, it clearly wasn't an obligation), but it's her smugness that is, as you say, objectionable.

She's got every right to keep her seat, but to brag about it the way she does, as if it's a moral victory, rather than an unfortunate situation where *someone* has to lose out, really gets my goat, and the way people are praising her for it. 🙄
