MovieChat Forums > Politics > Israeli Rabbi Says Turkish/Syrian Earthq...

Israeli Rabbi Says Turkish/Syrian Earthquake is Divine Justice

Nice guy... πŸ™„

No doubt a certain poster here would claim that I was 'anti-Israel' or maybe even an 'anti-Semite' for highlighting this utterly disgusting statement, but imagine if someone said something similar about Israel (and, fwiw, I would wholly condemn them if they did, as a staunch opponent of anti-Semitism).


The fact that people are not allowed to criticize jews is why their behaviors are so appalling. No one- NO ONE should get a free ride, and if we give it to them we pave the way for our own destruction.


This isn't a criticism of Jews, although it certainly highlights, contrary to a certain faux-progressive, pro-Zionist poster's claims, that Jews, like any other racial, ethnic or religious group, are not exceptional when it comes to good and bad. Just like any other group, there are good Jews and there are bad ones, just as there are good Muslims and bad ones, and good Christians and bad ones etc.


Bad Christians and Muslims aren't known for cultural subversion, pushing identity politics, transgender rights, marxism, etc...


Neither are Jews. Also, you need to make a distinction between Orthodox religious Jews, who despise a lot of the things you're referring to, and secular Jews, *some* of whom may support those things (but likely not the majority). The rabbi who made the offending comments concerning Turkey and Syria, is an Orthodox religious Jew.


Special privilege like blacks have with the n-word. A sort of we can discriminate against you but you can't discriminate against us let alone criticize us because we lost 6 or so million of our own so we're way more marginalized than anyone else in the world herp derp. I tells ya, the more marginalized you are, the more privilege you get. The equity is in play.

Also, typical of religious folks to use the torrah/quran/bible to justify atrocities. This is why I am a skeptic and prefer to be agnostic.




When the Big One hits California again, it will be Muslim Imams calling it Divine Retribution. Of course the Lying MSM won't even report it!


for context - syria has wanted to wipe israel off map for long time. they are sworn enemy.

in 1973 yom kipper war the syrian armys would behead israel pow's. they want to golan back.


There is no context. Wanting an entire nation, race or ethnicity of people is despicable.

No doubt it's 'anti-Semitic' to say so, but you're using the same type of logic Hitler used against the Jews ("They're our enemies. They're exploiting/oppressing us. We celebrate their death.")

And many of the people that died in this earthquake weren't even alive in 1973.


no i do not condone this words i am just give you the reason why this man think this way.


In that case, thank you for your insight.

I understand that there is a background for such feelings. They don't exist in a vacuum, but I still think it's utterly deplorable for a rabbi of all people to wish death on other people.


yes i agree harsh word. no one hate each other more than syria and israeli. there will never be peace between those to.

jews are too powerful for this man to be punish. jews control media. no difference between israel and apartheid south africa but israel escape sanction while apartheid south africa did not. that show you how powerful jew are!!!


He's a hateful man. The U.S. revoked his visa so he can't come to the U.S..
