MovieChat Forums > Politics > Question to Americans re. the police v t...

Question to Americans re. the police v the military

Why is the military (i.e. people who police foreign states/jursdictions) held in much higher regard, particularly by some parts of the self-identifying 'left', than the police (i.e. people who have been authorised by the state to police the US, and protect US citizens from criminals)?

Is it because the *murder* of Black and brown foreign people is less bothersome to the average American, including the average American self-identifying 'leftist', than the murder of Black and brown Americans?

The number of former marines and soldiers I see on social media badmouthing the GOP and MAGA (which, I hasten to add, I also despise) baffles me. Do these vets seriously think *they're* the 'good guys' in all this? How many Black and brown people's blood have they spilled? Or is it all 'okay' because they were 'only' foreigners (and mostly Muslims, who even some self-identifying leftists, particularly one on this site I won't mention by name, believe it's 'okay' to murder)?

My apologies for 'flogging a sacred cow' here (i.e. the US military, that neither the GOP nor the DNC dare offend), but I do like to ask the difficult and uncomfortable questions.




The left hates the military too. They’ve been conditioned to hate everything America. They’re sheep.


"The left hates the military too. They’ve been conditioned to hate everything in America. They’re sheep."

what are you talking about the reason I Stopped being conservative in 2020 was that atrocities you do Minorities "Hate Everything" I was challenged by the "Truth" from Movies Like Blackkklansman and Detroit( both films so Racism Relevant Today and Police Brutality BlackKlansman features Trumps Unite-The Right Rally 2017 at the end of it,) realizes i was supporting a party who step on them without we don't hate everything we want accountability also War should be a last resort Diplomacy is exist and is Effective and can be a sign of Strength I follow a few Diplomats on my socials they are ones who are keeping the peace "A Sheep" I challenged myself to realize the Wrongs of The Republican and was open to it .


"Me fail english? that's unpossible." -Joogle83

Also, I'm gonna call bullshit on your story about leaving the conservative party.


"Also, I'm gonna call bullshit on your story about leaving the conservative party."

Ummm its true My late father was A Conservative Christian Fundamentalist his passing away helped grow as well the films i mentioned it is not BS its the truth if I can change for the better so, can you!!!!


That's your key phrase, "Social media," a virtual soap box where the loudest in our society (liberals, left-wingers, and Democrats) like to go and yell their opinions the loudest. Places like facebook and twitter have driven off or banned a lot of right-wing, conservative, republican users, so you're not gonna get much information from them on there that won't get deleted simply because the moderators lean totally left and are trained not to like them.

Keep in mind that the left hates the military because they use guns, and the left have been trained to hate our armed services, and don't appreciate one bit the sacrifices such people have done to keep idiots like the left free.

The issue with the police is entirely political. There's been a push [ever since Obama was president] to paint a narrative that white police officers target black people unfairly, completely ignoring the fact that the most crimes in America are committed by black people, most notably black men, and they are trained from childhood to loathe, despise, and disrespect both the police and the law.

There's an agenda going on to divide Americans based on ideology and race, so that we're too busy fighting amongst ourselves while a new govt. that does not respect the Constitution slowly takes over and turns America into a dictatorship. It's been going on since the Cold War and became accelerated during the 2010s.


I can't say I agree with your politics (fwiw, I am a leftist, both in terms of social/cultural and socioeconomic policies, and I don't entirely agree with you regarding Twitter, since I have reported racists, misogynists, bigots and even people threatening violence, on Twitter, several times, only to get the complete brush-off from the mods), but I do respect and appreciate the good faith and thoughtfulness with which you've answered my OP, and where I suspect you and I might find some common ground, despite our diametrically opposed politics, is our distaste for hypocrisy, posturing and mendacious/bad faith arguments.


People in Europe think our left isn't left enough. In fact, they claim our left-wingers are "centrist" compared to them, ironic as that sounds, hehe.


Keep in mind that some of those that you encountered and reported on those sites are actual left-wingers playing both sides and some pretend to be on the right, which is one of the reasons why some of the mods gave you the brush-off.

Even on this site, I have come across at least five users that play both sides.


"Keep in mind that some of those that you encountered and reported on those sites are actual left-wingers playing both sides and some pretend to be on the right"

Why would anyone do that? What would they have to gain? In my experience, you're more likely to encounter hypocrites who pretend to be ultra-left-wing and progressive, whilst actually being racist, misogynist and homophobic etc, than anyone who is genuinely on the left pretend to be a right-winger.

Even if this were somehow true, the Twitter mods wouldn't know who was and wasn't really progressive. All they'd have to go off was the offending Tweet, and maybe, if they were inclined to investigate further (which is doubtful) some of the offending individual's recent Twitter history.

Sorry, but I'm discovering a lot of conspiracy theory nonsense on this site, which is laughable because I was accused earlier on of being a conspiracy theorist simply for arguing that the media has a vested interest in selling people beauty products (which isn't a conspiracy, but simply logic, based on what serves the interest of each and every capitalist).


Why would anyone do that? What would they have to gain?

Trolling, inflame-politics, propaganda, promote and endorse their ideologies and philosophies, etc.
Some of them are also mods with multiple user accounts.

more likely to encounter hypocrites who pretend to be ultra-left-wing and progressive

Yes, this is also the case since they are outnumbered by the “cancelling and destructive left-mob”. This is also true in real life; they are trying to keep the peace so they can keep their jobs and careers since the fascist-left are likely to destroy them.


LOL! I can just about accept your second point. I do think there are some people who pretend to be more 'politically correct' than they actually are, in order to present a 'virtuous' facade, which may, as you suggest, be favourable to them for various reasons (and not just their career, but also their love and social life), but I have little sympathy for such hypocrisy, especially if what they're hiding is racism, misogyny and homophobia.

That said, I'm 100% receptive to having civil, polite, respectful conservations with conservatives, even people who profess views that are critical of the women's movement, civil rights and LGBTQ+ rights (as much as I believe these to be fairly sacrosanct), just as long as they don't resort to vile bigotry, and I don't like to see people being cancelled over respectful and diplomatic speech, however conservative/right-wing (unless it's *really* extreme and displays Nazi sympathies).

I don't entirely agree with your first point, because I feel you're just speculating without any evidence, and to use Occam's Razor, I'd argue that the simplest explanation for something (that individuals are simply displaying their own personal beliefs when they express extremist nonsense, and not trying to incite flame-wars by pretending to believe something they don't), is usually the most likely.


Well said.


The left hates everything that people value or hold to a higher standard. The United States Military or Milita was part of what made America a great nation. A country full of warriors who will fight back against tyranny and oppression. Back in the day (when America was great) there use to be beat cops who would patrol the neighborhoods and get to know everyone in the community. There are still towns now where the cops are family, friends, and an active part of the parish. It's only in Democratic run cities is where the police have to act like gangs or Gestapo. The left hates God, the military, cops, themselves, and unborn babies.


I know many people in the US don't like cops since cops issue tickets for vehicle infractions and DUI's. A lot of police departments in small towns historically used traffic tickets as a source of revenue and that annoyed many people. While I may get a little frustrated over a speeding ticket, I fully intend to call those cops when there is a suspicious person loitering in my neighborhood.

I don't think most people care about the race of the person shot by police. There aren't that many people killed by cops annually and more whites are shot in actual numbers. Most of these people shot by police are insane, on drugs, evil or stupid. There are also a lot of people who are looking for a multi-million dollar police brutality settlement check and some even want suicide by cop. Social media does not represent reality since most people want to protect their privacy.
