Question to Americans re. the police v the military
Why is the military (i.e. people who police foreign states/jursdictions) held in much higher regard, particularly by some parts of the self-identifying 'left', than the police (i.e. people who have been authorised by the state to police the US, and protect US citizens from criminals)?
Is it because the *murder* of Black and brown foreign people is less bothersome to the average American, including the average American self-identifying 'leftist', than the murder of Black and brown Americans?
The number of former marines and soldiers I see on social media badmouthing the GOP and MAGA (which, I hasten to add, I also despise) baffles me. Do these vets seriously think *they're* the 'good guys' in all this? How many Black and brown people's blood have they spilled? Or is it all 'okay' because they were 'only' foreigners (and mostly Muslims, who even some self-identifying leftists, particularly one on this site I won't mention by name, believe it's 'okay' to murder)?
My apologies for 'flogging a sacred cow' here (i.e. the US military, that neither the GOP nor the DNC dare offend), but I do like to ask the difficult and uncomfortable questions.