MovieChat Forums > Politics > Are liberals entitled to their (often un...

Are liberals entitled to their (often unpopular and soft on guilty folks-oriented) opinions.

Or must, and I mean, MUST we call them out for it and get mad at them for it and tell them with foam at our mouths about how downright wrong they are - with us being RIGHT in the process? Thanks.

P.S. Or are they sometimes if not always at least VALID in their views, thoughts etc.


Any of you have your replies from General board please, thanks.

P.S. I didn't actually know that this thread was a Political one, strictly speaking.


Everyone is entitled to an opinion no matter how ignorant. We on the right will continue to educate them on their ignorance.

Unfortunately modern academia is about brainwashing, not thinking. Some just don’t possess the ability to question authority no matter how obviously wrong it might be. Lemmings are gonna lemming.


Also, are liberals really as bad as they are made out to be, thanks. :)


The term “liberal” and who it represents has evolved over the years.

Today “the left” is a better title for who we on the right are referring to when we’re discussing the Democrat party/media and their lemming followers.

Like much of what the left does, they give themselves titles that are the exact opposite of what they actually stand for. “Liberals” are no longer liberal. “Democrats” do not believe in democracy, free speech, or free secure elections. They are tyrannical and if given the opportunity they will wield their power to control and even kill people. Just see their arguments and actions during the Covid scam.


Kyle Rittenhouse fans are liberal? News to me.


Any liberal constitution would include right of self-defence.


I'm a far left socialist, and I support Kyle Rittenhouse.


Most liberals do not have any opinion that is their own. Most liberals are psychopaths who will say anything to look like they are not a psychopath. The "liberals" who are the brains of the democrat group are actually capitalist psychopaths who invented liberal ideology just to reinforce psychopath, wealthy people's ideology.


Current-day, right-wing projection seems to have a never-ending supply, not to mention the practice of trying to co-opt the observations liberals expressed FIRST about current-day, right wingers thinking no one will notice that the right-wing is incapable of forming an original thought and are simply gaslighting their own constituents.


What do you mean by "soft on guilty folks"?


Liberals start threads that are based on reality and facts, and get people ofter than just Liberals to reply - and the Liberal reply with facts and logics.

Unlike the many Conservative threads that are "Liberals are horrible people", and only Right-wing morons chime with more more BS, name-calling and escalating lies and calls for hate and violence.

Bottom line is that Conservatives are all about selfishness and keeping others down, that's why they have to resort to name-calling, violence, cheating, and lies, because there is virtually no real constituency that is for the support of the massive inequality in the American society and economy, and hate, terror and lies are the only things that can support such a corruption system.
